Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 168 May 2024 | Page 24

C o l u m n
Definitely a missed opportunity for SAB to host a table on this out-and-back section
Well Looked After
Overall , the refreshment tables were great . I know a few runners complained that the water was not cold at some tables , and I overheard one volunteer apologising that the ice arrived late , but there was plenty to eat and drink along the route . Having run the 2022 Durban City Marathon without water , I am just grateful for what I get at KZN races . Warm water does not bother me , and since the Durbanites like to brag about the warm water at their beaches , I just assumed that tepid water was a feature of KZN races .
I had a nice interaction with the friendly folks at the Stats SA table . I asked them for a useful stat and was told that the population of South Africa is 62 million people . I then asked how many of them were marathon runners , but that drew a blank . I told them I ’ d be back next year for the answer … which , incidentally , is 103,009 , based on my 2023 data of SA races .
I was particularly impressed with the Royal Hospital station , who would get my vote as the best table of the race . Hospitals are not known for having tasty food , but the Royal Hospital had the most appetising spread of the day . I think that this was the first time I ’ ve had Nik Naks during a marathon ( or Kaas Kaks , as I like to call them … if you eat too many ), and they had plenty of other tricks and treats at their table as well . ( Sidenote : If you ever see me collapse at a KZN marathon , please ask the medics to take me to the Royal Hospital .) not come with a refreshment station . Then another thought occurred to me : With the plant being directly opposite the Dusi River , I am now wondering if that ’ s the main ingredient in Castle Lite …
The Royal Hospital got my vote as the best refreshment station of the day
The thought of an ice-cold beer was still sloshing around in my head when I noted some interesting artwork just around the corner . When life gives you lemons , make lemonade . When life gives you empty Heineken quarts at your favourite drinking spot , make a tree sculpture , like the one in the photo below . ( Sidenote : If there are any budding ‘ beer bottle artists ’ out there looking for a muse , I am happy to help you by providing raw materials for your work !) Whilst on the subject of ornaments , I noted that the humble garden gnome has been replaced by the flatbed truck trailer as the lawn decoration of choice in certain parts of the city . No idea what the story behind this ‘ flatgardenbed-truck ’ is , but I expect it has the neighbours saying , “ What the truck ?”
One man ’ s trash is another man ’ s treasure in the City of Choice
What the truck ? Pietermaritzburg ’ s version of a garden gnome The most enthusiastic supporter of the day
Speaking of support , spectator support is sporadic in the ‘ City that Never Wakes Up ,’ but I did spot the odd curious onlooker , and the gentleman below deserves a special call out as the most enthusiastic spectator of the race . He was clapping and cheering for every runner from the comfort of one of his dining room chairs .
Farming Inititiative
Now , I ’ ll admit that Pietermaritzburg is an easy target , and that I might have been a little derisive in this race report , but I am also happy to reconsider my opinions and give credit where it is due . I was really impressed with the Msunduzi Municipality ’ s
Images : Stuart Mann
24 ISSUE 168 | www . modernathlete . co . za