Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 167 April 2024 | Page 9

Cian Oldknow clocked a scintillating 2:25:08 for the marathon in Sevilla , Spain in February , moving her up to second on the all-time list of SA women ’ s marathon times , and gave her the required qualifying time for the 2024 Paris Olympics . At the end of March she did something just as awe-inspiring back in South Africa , as explained by her coach , George Bradley , which elicited a very favourable reaction from the SA running community :
An athlete cannot run with money in his pockets . He must run with hopes in his heart and dreams in his head . These were the wise words of Emil Zatopek , triple Olympic distance running gold medallist at the 1952 Olympic Games . Cian personifies these words .
On 31 March , she ran 42km ( well , the full standard marathon distance ) of the brutal City2City 50km race from Pretoria to Johannesburg , a significant net uphill course at
By Shahieda Thungo
I was 2km into a run earlier this year when I met another lady running . We greeted each other and started talking about running , and she tells me about her running journey . Then she says , there ' s this lady she knows at races that runs in a skirt and drives the bus , who has so much energy and is so funny , but her walking is hectic . She adds that this woman drives the 12-hour bus at Comrades , and people have told her that she must not let this woman ’ s bus pass her .
She continues , telling me that she is running her first Comrades this year , because this altitude . At that point she was lying a comfortable second , but she cooled down and then got in her mom ’ s vehicle , leaving a probable R100,000 in winnings . Not because the next day was 1 April ... Not because she does not need it – she does , as the sport has a higher cost to truly serious athletes than most realise ... Not because she could not continue easily ... But because Cian ' s hopes and dreams go beyond what money can bring , which is also why she refuses to use illegal substances .
Recovery ? Cian ran 20km the next day , and did a great track session on the Wednesday , as part of another full week of training , just as the week before that race was as well . My deepest respect , Cian ! – George Bradley
What an amazing story . Full respect , Cian . – Craig Williams
Cian is such a beautiful and talented athlete , and such an inspiration to many ! – Grace De Oliveira
Shows her absolute dedication to her training programme , and total respect to her coach . Give Cian a huge pat on the back from me , George , as that was a huge amount of prize money to turn her back on . – Des Rountree
Keep running YOUR race YOUR way , and with integrity . – Kim Vercueil Ballantine
It is not often that you find athletes and coaches with this mindset . Well done . Respect . – Deonne Van Aarde
Cian , you WILL reach your dreams ! – Jenny Saunders
Dreams are powerful , and so is Cian ! Respect the dedication . – Shirley Goodrum
The future of SA long distance running . And I have no doubt , the SA Marathon Record will be Cian ' s in the near future , when coach and athlete decide they want it . – Campbell Nel
pacesetter has really inspired her to run it , and makes running look effortless and so much fun . Then she tells me about races where she tried to run with this bus driver , but the walk kicked her off . She is normally at the back , and stays with the bus when we are running , just the walking throws her off .
I listened to her talking , because she didn ' t really give me a chance to talk – her fixation with this bus driver was just on another level ! I chuckled for a bit , and eventually said , this bus driver sounds like a really cool lady , and my new friend said you have no idea , she ' s amazing , she is just a marvel to watch . Then she says , I would like to meet her in person one day , so I say , oh you will . My friend continues , her name is Makhi , and I say , I ' ve heard of her …
Around 4km into the run , we meet another runner , a friend who knows me , and she hugs me and says , “ Happy New Year , Makhi . All the best for 2024 , and to delivering more buses this year .” My newfound running partner says , “ Wait ! What ? You are Makhi ?” I just chuckle and we continue on our run . The lady is now starstruck , and says , “ You let me ramble on kanthi , you are her .” I just chuckle and say , “ It ’ s no big deal , hey .” She says , “ Hey wena , it is a huge deal !” Then she whips out the phone and takes my number .
From here on out we formed such a bond , and we just talked and talked and talked . She was shocked to find out that we live literally one kilometre from each other , and we are now training partners . Running really brings people together and it simply shows how small the world is .
So , what would happen if a thunderstorm just happened to blow in during the Comrades Marathon ? The Comrades community is obviously not too worried …
I don ' t know about the runners from other countries , but the South Africans I know will start singing and go for the finish . – Nkosingiphile Ntuli
What doesn ' t kill you , makes you stronger . – Ighsaan Isaacs
The organisers will put cement power in the water . – Brendon Lowson
The water points would be deserted , and hopefully the cut-off points , too , but the runners would keep going . – Lorraine Rubaba
Faster times would happen . – Laurenzo Moodley
Lightning speed ! – Natalie Hincksman
The Sea wind will push us to PMB . – Dalingebo Barakat Phama
Run and swim to the finish line . – Mmusi Menoe
Don ’ t stress , you ' ll be wet anyway . – Andrew Gove
Perhaps won ' t need a shower when they get to finish line . – Patricia Crawley
I hate running in wet shoes , but who cares ? – Unathi Hani
Running is not cricket … we will run ! – Mzi Mnyazi
We ' ll use the Duckworth / Lewis Method . – Satis Dekeda
Plan to run faster , so that you are not caught in it . Otherwise , ensure there is a taller athlete near you ! – Keith Reynolds
If there is lightning , stay far away from me . I have a tendency to attract it ! – Grant Martin