In the Mag this Month
Welcome to our 167 th edition . You can click on the page numbers below to go straight to the article of your choice .
The Ed ’ s Desk : Good to be Busy !
The other day , I was talking to a friend during a trail race , about work , deadlines and being really busy , and it really made me thankful for everything including just being able to run that race ! – BY SEAN FALCONER
What ’ s That You Say ?
The running community has interesting , informative , thoughtprovoking , humorous and entertaining opinions and conversations , so each month we pick a few that caught our eye . – COMPILED BY SEAN FALCONER
This is Sparta !
The story behind the incredible Spartan Baby Badass Ultra in Johannesburg involves really hot chillis , fly-fishing snares , bagpipes and many , many cups of cement ! Rob Riccardi explains what the challenge is all about .
The Running Mann : Klopping ( Overcoming ) My Afrikaans Angst
In spite of my chequered history with the Afrikaans language , I headed to Bloemfontein for the Kloppers Marathon , and it was not only a ‘ lekker ’ race , but vastly improved my Afrikaans . – BY STUART MANN
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Stats & Facts : April Flyers
The world of running produces scintillating times and interesting statistics , including these standout performances in April from the annals of SA running . – BY RIËL HAUMAN
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In For the Long Run
Since 2019 , For The Long Run has been on a remarkable journey to help individuals become better humans , friends , parents , family members and colleagues , all through running . - BY CHRISTINE LE ROUX
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On the cover
Photograph courtesy The Ice Ultra
The World ’ s Highest Road Marathon
My wonderful experiences climbing and trekking in Pakistan had a major impact on my decision to take part in a running adventure in Pakistan , which is why I signed up for the Khunjerab Pass Marathon . – BY SCOTT McIVOR
Ask Yourself Why … All So Avoidable
The recent SA 10km Championships delivered some fantastic performances , but also produced yet another case where our sport appeared to shoot itself in the foot ! – BY NORRIE WILLIAMSON
SA ’ s Biggest Running Publication www . modernathlete . co . za
April 2024
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Pg 38
Pg 38 2
The Ice Ultra
SA Runners Brave The Arctic Circle
Image : Courtesy Ice Ultra
Baby Spartans
The Story Behind A Joburg Saga
Khunjerab Pass
Running the World ’ s Highest Road 42km
Walking Wonder
Mike Said ’ s Epic 4x4x48 for the Kids
LIVE WELL : Training , Nutrition , Motivation , Injuries & More
ISSUE 167 | www . modernathlete . co . za
Pg 15
Pg 48
Pg 62
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Cows in the Arctic Circle
An intrepid group of South Africans recently jetted off to Sweden to take on the five-day Ice Ultra in the remote , hostile wilds of Lapland . With no experience of running in snow , it was always going to be huge challenge . – BY CORDI VAN NEKERK
Trail ( Mis ) Adventures : Beast Level FOMO
If you are a runner , I am sure that you have experienced that fear of missing out ( FOMO ) from missing a race at least once in your life . Well , let me tell you , I recently experienced FOMO level one hundred ! – BY CARLA FARINA