Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 166 March 2024 | Page 3

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ROAD RUNNING continued








Putting Shoes on Feet
They say the only thing you need to start running is a decent pair of running shoes . However , not all aspiring athletes can afford new running shoes , and that ’ s where initiatives like Project Run come in . – BY SEAN FALCONER
Ask Yourself Why … Chasing the Points
African athletes , and South Africans in particular , are missing out because national federations and race organisers have not yet come to terms with the World Athletics ranking system for road races . – BY NORRIE WILLIAMSON
Take Charge !
If you were ever in a life-threatening situation while out running or cycling , would you know what to do to possibly save your life ? Or what not to do ? To find out more , we spoke to Mark Grobbelaar , runner and founder of INpowered .
Giving Back to the Garden Route
The Mountain Ultra Trail by Ultra-trail Mont Blanc , or MUT by UTMB , continues to support trail building and maintenance programmes in the George area . – BY SEAMUS ALLARDICE with SEAN FALCONER
Training ON SA Vibes
Track athletes George Mills and Tom Elmer , who are part of the ON Athletic Club ( OAC ), have both have been coming to SA for a number of years for warm-weather training during the European winter . – BY SEAN FALCONER
Sportman Says : Is Track & Field in Trouble ?
Although World Athletics is trying everything , track and field is still in trouble , both locally and internationally … unlike road running , which is flourishing as it continues the post-pandemic comeback . – BY MANFRED SEIDLER

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Run Training : Always Time to Run
Fitting a run into the mix of work , family , friends , hobbies and relaxation may sometimes seem impossible , but if there ’ s a will , there ’ s a way ! – BY RAY ORCHISON
Gym Training : 10 Tips Before You Gym
We all love a top 10 list , so let ’ s look at 10 great ways to get the most out of your training sessions in the gym . What you put in is what you get out ! – BY CANDICE DE MENDONCA
Nutrition : Nutritional Necessities
There ’ s a lot of advice out there when it comes to nutrition , but keeping these 10 basic tips in mind at all times will go a long way to ensuring you lead a healthy lifestyle . – BY CANDICE DE MENDONCA
Mental Wellness : Just Tired , or Burnt Out ?
How do we know whether we ’ re just tired , or possibly experiencing burnout ? Here are some signs to look out for . – BY PAULA QUINSEE
Body Science : Look after Your Achilles
The Achilles tendon is what allows humans to walk upright and to run long distances , and that makes it one of the most important parts of an athlete ’ s body . – BY SEAN FALCONER
Body Science : No Cramping Your Style
In spite of modern science , the jury is still out on the causes of muscle cramping , although several theories of yesteryear have now been thrown out . – BY SEAN FALCONER
Mental Wellness : Brain Growth with Gratitude
Unearth the science behind gratitude ’ s power to transform your mental landscape and discover the path to a flourishing life . – BY GLEN ROSS

78 Nothing Beats a Good Laugh

Runners are known for their great sense of humour , so it ’ s no surprise that the internet is full of running jokes and memes , and we love sharing a few that really tickled our funny bone ! – COMPILED BY SEAN FALCONER
PUBLISHERS Richard Laskey Roxanne Martin Sean Falconer
ADVERTISING SALES Richard Laskey 083 342 8200 / richard @ modernathlete . co . za
DIGITAL SALES & CAMPAIGNS Roxanne Martin 072 368 7390 / roxanne @ modernathlete . co . za
EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR : Sean Falconer seanf @ modernathlete . co . za DESIGNER : Caroline Collings caroline . collings @ gmail . com DIGITAL CONTENT MANAGER : Roxanne Martin PROOFREADING : Nicole Hayes
EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Regulars : Candice De Mendonca , Carla Lea Farina , Glen Ross , Manfred Seidler , Norrie Williamson , Paula Quinsee , Riël Hauman , Ray Orchison , Richard Laskey , Roxanne Martin , Sean Falconer , Stuart Mann Guest Writers : Altus Schreuder , Bruce King , Glenn Muller , Mark Grobbelaar Seamus Allardice , Stephen Granger
Photo Agencies & Professional Photographers : Action Photo SA , Adam Nurkiewicz for World Athletics , Andre Harmse ( courtesy Camille Herron ), Anthony Grote , Barco Greeff , Cameron Spencer / Getty Images for World Athletics , Cecilia van Bers , Chante Foord , Chris Hitchcock , Delarey Ferreira , Erin Groll , Fahwaaz Cornelius , Felix Dlanga , Gavin Ryan , Guntis Berzins / World Athletics , Hoffie Hoffmeister / Athletics History , Jaco Wolmarans , Jared Paisley , Johan Minnaar , Kirsten Oliver , Lea Kurth / ON , Maja Hitij / adidas , Mark Grobbelaar , Matthew Bates / Project Run , Peter Kirk Media , Pexels , Reg Caldecott , Rogan Ward , Roger Sedres / Cape Town Marathon , Sam Clark , Shift Media , SMacPix , Shutterstock , Shuyb Hendricks / ABPhotoZA , Simon Pocock , Stephen Granger , Stephen Pond / Getty Images for World Athletics , Tobias Ginsberg , Zac Zinn , Zane Schmahl Non-professional Photographers : Francois Naude , Russ Dodding , Stuart Mann
Courtesy : Adam Lipschitz , Adriaan Wildschutt , Athletics South Africa , Balwin Sport Marathon Series , Beyers Greenstone Run , Brian Jackson , Chery , Christine Kalmer , Comrades Marathon , Erich Maritz , Flickr , Karmen Fouche , Mark Grobbelaar , Maryam Schroeder Gamza , Metropolitan Museum of Art , Mike Hewan , Nedbank Running Club , Pieter Koekemoer , Rebecca Kohne , René Kalmer , Runtheberg Trail Run , SPAR Women ’ s Challenge , Squad Games , The North Face , Trail Alsace Grandest by UTMB , Two Oceans Marathon , UTCT , UTMB , Wikimedia
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