Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 165 February 2024 | Page 54

Unforgettable Memories
Now , let ’ s get back to the actual mountain . How do four days pass so quickly ? Friday we were doing our first day , and before we knew it , Monday had arrived and it was our last day . What happened in between ? All I can say is , magic happened , and that spurred me write these words :
you are going to complete it consecutively over a number of days . I suspect fitness is also a relative term . You may go to gym for an hour every day , and you may think you are fit , but the mountains are the real test . If you don ’ t know what levels of elevation feel like , I think it would be hard to comprehend the shock of doing over 6000m of climbing . Even to a fit , seasoned runner like me … It felt like I was climbing stairs for six hours a day . ( I also had a full pack , as I was testing kit out in preparation for my next adventure in April .)
Make no mistake , 13 Peaks , as everyone in our group admitted , was a substantial challenge . Definitely not your average ‘ walk in the park .’ Perhaps as runners , we take pleasure in the pain , but not all appreciate that mindset , and to put it simply , this challenge really showcases people ’ s tenacity . As in , how much grit they have to push through , even if they are finding it really tough .
I really enjoyed the challenge , and having completed the Four Day Challenge , I want to go back and do the official Two Day Challenge . Compressing it into a shorter period will be harder , for sure , requiring the going to be a lot faster , but slogging it out over four days was a different kind of hard , with 3:30am wake-ups , long days and the cumulative time on one ’ s legs . Managing all these elements , and your nutrition , gear , etc ., has a different effect on one ’ s body . I love challenges and events that test my body , and I can gauge and see how I react .
Movement is medicine . It is also meditative . The miles rolled past . We saw views that blinded our eyes . We scrambled rocks . We climbed peaks . We climbed up and up and up , and then down again . We saw beautiful fauna and flora , including the Proteas . We experienced hot and cold , and wind , and a bit of rain , and heat , and sun , and mist . We saw a magnificent sunrise as it came up over the city , whilst we were on the mountain looking down . We conquered our fear of heights . We pushed past the tough moments . We took pictures . We made friends . We emerged stronger . But most of all , we made memories .
What a way to start a New Year ! 13 Peaks conquered , 110km covered , 6500m of elevation climbed … with a full heart and a slightly battered body , ready to roll into new beginnings and new adventures . I think I can now say that I do know a little bit of what the Mountain and the Mother City have to offer . I know I can safely say that I have gone where I doubt many locals have ever gone . And I also know why most of the best SA trail runners live in Cape Town !
54 ISSUE 165 | www . modernathlete . co . za