Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 164 December 2023 | Page 51

C o l u m n
Whilst the AOT swarm was definitely in contention for one of the team prizes , they were unfortunately disqualified as they forgot to bring along their BEE certificate . ( Sorry , not sorry , but you know how much I love dad jokes ). And I understand that the queen bee was handing out the beer and honey , but it looks like there ’ s a typo on her Bee Beer – I assume it should read ‘ Santa ’ s Favorite Honey ,’ but maybe I am missing something …
The AOT Running club was a hive of activity
First Refill Stop for the clementine-clad Toti AC
Kloof were another club with an interesting outfit . I verified with them that they were going for a Smurf theme , rather than that of an obscure religious cult . Whilst Smurfette is the only female in Smurf Village , those worrying about the future of the Smurf lineage will be pleased to see that Kloof Village has an abundance of lady Smurfs . But , whilst some clubs went to great lengths in costume and set design , others like DHS Old Boys went for a minimalist approach . They arrived with a bare basics ‘ coolerbox in a running pram ’ float . I guess this is a case of throwing out the baby to make room for the bathwater . Since much of the club is comprised of former Durban High School scholars , this reminded me of the ‘ last minute / night before it ’ s due ’ project tactic , to get just enough done to pass the grade .
Kloof is the place if you ’ re looking for the Smurfs !
Santa ’ s Favorite Ho ? or Honey ?
Historically , race day always brings rain to Durban , and this year was no different , with an intense overnight storm and gloomy , threatening conditions on race morning . Luckily , there was nothing heavier than light drizzle during the event , but Pinetown & Districts AC came prepared for a worst-case scenario , wearing inflatables to ensure that their float would not turn into a sink in the event of torrential rain .
Durban Old Boys and their ( apparent ) last-minute homework
They say that when life gives you lemons , you make lemonade . Well , when life gives you inclement weather , make like the clementine clad Toti club , who were loud and proud in both their outfits and noise levels . I was impressed that the Toti bus waited until the top of the first hill – just before the 2km mark – before taking their first drinks break . I was , however , later corrected by Dave Rademan that they had in fact started their hydration before the starting gun fired , and this was actually their first refill stop .
PDAC took the float requirement literally , and wore inflatables
Other clubs went with a traditional Christmas theme , like Stella , who went big with a massive present . KZN runners can get exceptionally passionate about their clubs , so I am sure there are Stella members who ’ ve named their child Stella – which provides an opportunity to prank said kid by putting this gift under ( or rather , next to ) the Christmas tree , with a tiny present inside . However , a word of caution that pulling this prank would quite literally make you a massive doos . ( I have so many more dad jokes … you don ’ t want to get me started !) Savages also kept on