Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 163 November 2023 | Page 67

trail ( mis ) adventures by CARLA LEA FARINA



trail ( mis ) adventures by CARLA LEA FARINA

Remembering Comet

This month marks a year since I lost one of my dogs , Comet , and while I still miss my sidekick and running buddy , the things he taught me will stay with me forever .

Have you ever had a dog that you did everything with , and who became the biggest part of your life ? A dog that was basically the canine version of yourself ? I had that dog , and his name was Comet . When I chatted to Ed Sean this month for ideas for my next column , he suggested writing about remembering Comet , and the adventures we had together , and I could not think of a better topic !

Comet and I did more runs together than I can count , from road runs with my regular group , to social trail runs at the Big Red Barn , to actual dog races – you name it , we did it . Then Aero along came to join the family , and I had visions of the three of us going to fancy destinations and running exotic trails , getting lost together , and of them hanging around me when I fell over ( again ) and got mud all over my face . OK , Comet probably would have carried on chasing something – that ’ s the nature of a German Shorthaired Pointer !
But then my world came crashing down when I got Comet ’ s diagnosis of an aggressive form of cancer called Haemocarcinoma . Very quickly Aero and I were left to figure out this adventure on our own . We woke up in the morning without Comet . We ran to run , and we ran to ease the pain , and quickly Aero became a pillar for my running . Now I feel so strange running without Aero , that I actually have to walk the hills when I am unable to take him ! Isn ’ t that insane ? I cannot run without him .
Strange Emotions
It ’ s funny , in the beginning , a part of me felt guilty about heading out on all these new adventures with Aero , because I didn ’ t get to do them with Comet . Heading
Carla and her beloved Comet
Enjoying an outing with Comet and Aero
to Stutterheim in the Eastern Cape ( my favourite running destination ) with Aero was something I always wanted to do with Comet . I started Search and Rescue training with Aero , too , which is a great way to join running and making a difference , all things I wish I could have done with Comet . But then it hit me ... Comet sparked my love of enjoying adventures with my dogs , and what better way to do that than through a sport I love so much . I think Comet would be thrilled that we head out on these adventures , and he is there with us every step of the way .
If you have a furry , four-legged friend that is capable of some running , or even walking , then you should definitely start your trail running adventure together . The most important things I ’ ve learned :
• Start early in summer , because your dogs will get hot .
• Always pack more water than you think you need , because your dog will get thirsty .
• Feed them after your run – bloat is dangerous for dogs .
• Wear gloves – it helps with leash burn !
Starting Afresh
A new chapter has now started , as Aero and I have welcomed Phoenix into the team , another crazy German Shorthaired Pointer who will one day join our crazy trail adventures . I have a few planned next year , which are destination stage races where you can take your dogs , and I will be heading on these with my friend Yolan and her pack of Belgian Malinoirs , so it ’ s going to be epic !
I miss Comet every day , but I am so grateful to him for sparking something in me that never dies . I love trail running . I hope I am able to do it for the rest of my life ! I love being in the mountains , on the beach , in the forest and on the salt pans of Botswana , and I love it even more when my little team is there with me ! Thank you , Comet and Aero , for accompanying me on this great adventure ! We look forward to having Phoenix join us soon . Now Hoka just need some dog merch for me , too !
One year without you , Comet . I miss you . I will always miss you .
Many more trails await Aero and young Phoenix
Images : Courtesy Carla Farina
About the Author
While Carla ’ s ‘ day job ’ is Head Tennis Coach and Director of Tennis at Game Set Match Tennis in Johannesburg , her second love is trail running , which she tackles with an unquenchable thirst for adventure , a never-say-die attitude , and a healthy sense of humour about all the misadventures that befall her on the trails !