Rest vs Active Recovery By Ray Orchison
What is the most important part of a training programme ? If you answered speed work , hills , long slow running , or strength work , or any combination thereof , you ’ d be wrong . Because the most important element is actually recovery .
The body is an incredible creation , with many built-in sensors and monitors designed to ensure that the cells and internal systems function at an optimal level , otherwise known as homeostasis . The moment we take the body above this level , however , alarms begin to trigger . For example , if you ran an easy 30 minutes on a cool day , you ’ d handle the session with no problems , but if you attempted to do the same 30-minute run in a sauna , you would suddenly find yourself struggling to finish . The reason is that the high temperatures and humidity in the sauna together with your work rate will cause your core temperature and that of your cells to rise above the normal prescribed range . Your body will go into a state of panic and force you to either slow down or stop completely , so that homeostasis can be maintained .
This has significant implications when it comes to training , because the body will only maintain the resources it feels are needed in order to survive . This means that if we keep doing the same things , we ’ ll never improve – we must therefore push the body outside of the current homeostasis level . When we do this , the body begins to create more resources , so that it is not placed under the same stress next time , and this process is called supercompensation .
The thing is , one cannot simply keep pushing the body each day and expect it to simply throw more resources at the problem , and thus shift the homeostasis levels . This approach will simply lead to a breakdown of the body , and it won ’ t be long before you are injured , sick , have a stress fracture , or find yourself with overtraining syndrome . This is where rest and recovery come into the picture .
Now , if you ’ ve only just started running , then easy days alone are extremely taxing to your body , and you should look to have a complete rest day every second to third day . Once your muscles start to strengthen and your body begins to develop the various enzymes and resources required for running , you can gradually begin to push these rest days out a little . You might start with three rest days a week for six weeks , then reduce it to two rest days for four weeks , and ultimately to one rest day per week .
For a more experienced runner , there really are no rules when it comes to complete rest days . I am by no means suggesting that you should do more running and less resting , but sometimes , in order to reach new levels , the body needs to be stretched a little more . So , again , listening to your body becomes crucial . Unfortunately , we all have egos , which usually means that we ignore the body . As a rule of thumb , I ’ m therefore going to suggest that you stick to at least one complete or full rest day a week .
Take a Running Break
One of the challenges with running is that you use the same muscles over and over in a similar way , which can result in an overuse injury . If you are prone to these kinds of injuries , then you will benefit from including a few active recovery sessions in your week . For example , you might follow a day of hard track work with a day with just an easy 40-minute swim in the pool . This will not only rest your tired running muscles , but will also get other muscles working that you wouldn ’ t normally train during a run .
When the body is stressed , as in a hard training session , and a period of recovery follows this stress , the body then adjusts to a new prescribed or optimal homeostasis range . The thing is , rest comes in a different shapes and sizes , and one size does not fit all . So , before we go any further , take a moment to repeat the golden rule of training a few times over to yourself : “ Always listen to your body !” How your body responds and what your body dictates trumps any other rules , theories or suggestions .
Different Types of Rest
Rest can be seen as either complete rest from any form of exercise , or it can be seen as active rest or recovery , where you continue to exercise , but at a greatly reduced level . Active recovery can either be some form of light cross-training or very easy running at a pace 30 to 45 seconds per kilometre slower than your normal easy pace .
Ensuring that you get adequate recovery from your training sessions is crucial . Rest and recovery days are also training days , as it ’ s during this phase that the body is allowed time to step it up a notch , so be sure to plan your recovery days into your training programme .
Ray Orchison is a South African-born running coach and therapist . He has completed the Comrades Marathon multiple times and also boasts personal bests of 33:55 for 10km and 2:48:00 for the marathon . He has completed USATF and NAASFP coaching courses , and provides personalised training programmes to his clients . Now based in Perth , Australia , you can find him at https :// runetics . com . au .
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