Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 162 October 2023 | Page 74

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PS : To make sure you never miss another edition , you can subscribe to the mag at www . modernathlete . co . za / subscribe . Simply fill in your name and mail addie , then hit the subscribe button . It ’ s that simple !

Missed Last Month ’ s Edition of

SA ’ s Biggest Running Publication www . modernathlete . co . za
September 2023
Perhaps you were travelling , or just a bit too busy at work to read the mag … whatever the reason , you missed our September Edition , and you ’ d like to check it out now . No problem !

Also Inside

• Eugene Lekay ’ s 25-year Green
• 9Peaks on Wheels & Foot
• Not a Taboo Topic … Period !
Karsten Warholm , 400m Hurdles World Champion
Cover Image : Christian Petersen / Getty Images
World Champs Focus , brought to you by PUMA SA


Click the button below and you ’ ll go straight to the previous edition of SA ’ s biggest running publication .
Remember , you can then read it online , or download the mag to read it later on your computer , tablet or phone , or print pages that you ’ d like to read in hard copy . And it ’ s completely FREE !
PS : To make sure you never miss another edition , you can subscribe to the mag at www . modernathlete . co . za / subscribe . Simply fill in your name and mail addie , then hit the subscribe button . It ’ s that simple !
ISSUE 162 | www . modernathlete . co . za

SA ' s Biggest Running Publication