Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 160 August 2023 | Page 59

Mental Wellbeing

Understanding the Impact By Glen Ross

Are you unintentionally hurting those around you by hurting their feelings ? It is important to understanding the impact of your words or actions , and making changes to avoid doing it again .
Images : Pexels

Human beings are innately social creatures , and the quality of our interactions with others profoundly impacts our lives . Unfortunately , there are instances when these interactions go awry , and our words and actions unintentionally cause harm to those around us . One of the most common ways we hurt others is by hurting their feelings . However , it is crucial to understand the depth of emotional distress caused by this , and be mindful of the profound impact our words and actions can have on others .

At its core , hurting someone ’ s feelings means inflicting emotional distress upon them . This distress can manifest in various forms , ranging from mild annoyance or frustration to intense sadness , anger or shame . Regardless of the specific emotion involved , the outcome remains the same : The person feels hurt , and their overall wellbeing is compromised .
It ’ s easy to dismiss the act of hurting someone ’ s feelings as inconsequential , especially when no harm is intended . However , emotional pain can be just as debilitating as physical pain . When we hurt someone ’ s feelings , we not only cause momentary discomfort , but we also undermine their sense of safety , security and self-worth . Over time , this can have severe long-term consequences for their mental health and overall wellbeing .
Common Causes
So , why do we sometimes inadvertently hurt other people ’ s feelings ? While there are numerous reasons , some of the most common include :
1 . Lack of empathy : When we fail to actively put ourselves in others ’ shoes , it becomes challenging to grasp the impact of our words and actions on them . Lack of empathy can lead us to unintentionally say or do things that cause harm without even realising it .
2 . Ignorance : Without a genuine understanding of the challenges others face , we may inadvertently make insensitive comments about their race , gender , sexuality or appearance , without fully comprehending the harm those comments can inflict .
3 . Anger or frustration : In moments of anger or frustration , it is easy to lash out and say hurtful things , even if we don ’ t genuinely mean them . These impulsive words can cause significant emotional pain .
4 . Self-centeredness : When we prioritise our own needs and desires above considering the feelings of those around us , we may inadvertently cause harm . By focusing solely on our own comfort or convenience , we can unknowingly hurt others in the process .
To avoid hurting other people ’ s feelings , consider the following suggestions :
1 . Practice empathy : Actively make an effort to understand others ’ perspectives and experiences . This involves listening attentively , asking questions for clarity , and genuinely attempting to put yourself in their shoes .
2 . Educate yourself : Gain knowledge about the experiences and challenges faced by individuals who differ from you . Engage in reading materials related to race , gender , sexuality , or other areas of difference , and engage in conversations with people to better understand their perspectives .
3 . Watch your language : Words carry immense power . Certain words and phrases can be deeply hurtful , even if unintentional . Refrain from using slurs or derogatory language , and choose your words carefully to promote understanding and respect .
4 . Take responsibility : If you inadvertently hurt someone ’ s feelings , acknowledge your actions , sincerely apologise , and commit to doing better in the future . Demonstrating genuine remorse and a willingness to grow can help repair relationships and prevent further harm .
social creatures , our interactions with others are vital to our lives , making it crucial to be mindful of the impact our words and actions can have on those around us . By practicing empathy , educating ourselves , choosing our words wisely , and taking responsibility for our actions , we can create a safer and more supportive environment for everyone .
Glen Ross is a dedicated Brain Health Coach , Therapist , and Mental Health Ambassador . With a passion for empowering individuals , he guides you on a transformative journey towards improved wellbeing and personal growth , helps you to optimise brain health , enhance mental resilience , overcome challenges and unlock your full potential . More at www . glenross . coach .

The Ripple Effect

Imagine that our words and actions are like pebbles thrown into a pond . Each pebble creates ripples that spread outward , affecting everything in their path . Similarly , when we hurt someone ’ s feelings , it ’ s as if we ’ ve thrown a pebble that causes a disturbance in the water . The ripples of emotional pain extend far beyond the initial impact , reaching the depths of a person ’ s wellbeing .
Just as we wouldn ’ t want to disrupt the calmness of a peaceful pond , we should strive to be mindful of the emotional impact we have on others . Remember , each word and action carries weight , and it ’ s essential to consider the potential ripple effect before we speak or act . By being conscious of this analogy , we can visualise the far-reaching consequences of our interactions , and become more intentional in nurturing a positive and supportive environment for everyone .
In conclusion , hurting someone ’ s feelings may appear insignificant , but emotional pain can significantly impact an individual ’ s wellbeing . As