Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 160 August 2023 | Page 3



Aint No Hurdles High Enough
The women ’ s 100m hurdles is fast becoming one of the most highly anticipated events on the SA athletics scene , thanks to a new crop of young hurdlers coming to the fore . – BY WILHELM DE SWARDT with SEAN FALCONER





Training : Put Your Foot Down
Speedwork makes you faster and fitter , increases the range of movement , and will ultimately help you to run harder for longer , so here are a few great sessions to help boost your speed . – BY SEAN FALCONER
Mental Wellness : Understanding the Impact
Are you unintentionally hurting those around you by hurting their feelings ? It is important to understand the impact of your words or actions , and make changes to avoid doing it again . – BY GLEN ROSS
Nutrition : Six Steps to Better Health
You ’ d think that choosing the less fattening option is a no-brainer when you ’ re at the store , but every choice comes with pro ’ s and cons , so here are a few pointers before you head to the till . – BY CHRISTINE RICE
Mental Wellbeing : We All Have Ups and Downs
We all have days where things are good , and days where things feel rocky , and sometimes we get triggered and can feel the emotions boiling over . Here ’ s how to deal with it . – BY PAULA QUINSEE








An Awesome ASICS Trio
The Kayano , Nimbus and Cumulus have been best-sellers on the SA market for nearly three decades . Now ASICS has set out to reinvent not just these shoes , but established shoe design . – BY SEAN FALCONER
Surfing on Clouds
Putting On Cloud ’ s new Cloudsurfer to the test proved a most enjoyable experience , as these shoes lived up to their name , making me feel like I was running on clouds . – BY RICHARD LASKEY
Ready to Compete !
With eye-catching colours and super-comfy designs , the Journey to Compete Collection of sportswear from Under Armour really ticks all the boxes for female athletes . – BY ROXANNE MARTIN
Racing Calendar News
We ’ re busy revamping our Race Calendar completely , with an exciting online version in the pipeline , but while you ‘ watch this space ,’ we can still give you a useful source of fixtures . – BY TEAM MODERN ATHLETE
Nothing Beats a Good Laugh
Runners are known for their great sense of humour , so it ’ s no surprise that the internet is full of running jokes and memes , and we love sharing a few that really tickled our funny bone ! – COMPILED BY SEAN FALCONER
PUBLISHERS Richard Laskey Roxanne Martin Sean Falconer
ADVERTISING SALES Richard Laskey 083 342 8200 / richard @ modernathlete . co . za
DIGITAL SALES & CAMPAIGNS Roxanne Martin 072 368 7390 / roxanne @ modernathlete . co . za
EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR : Sean Falconer seanf @ modernathlete . co . za
DESIGNER : Caroline Collings caroline . collings @ gmail . com DIGITAL CONTENT MANAGER : Roxanne Martin PROOFREADING : Nicole Hayes
EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Regulars : Carla Lea Farina , Glen Ross , Manfred Seidler , Nicole Hayes , Norrie Williamson , Paula Quinsee , Riël Hauman , Richard Laskey , Roxanne Martin , Sean Falconer , Stuart Mann , Tanya Huber , Zelda Botha Guest Writers : Catherine Dixon , Christine Rice , Jacky MaClean , Janine Nortje , Stephen Granger , Wilhelm De Swardt
Photo Agencies & Professional Photographers : Anthony Grote , Barco Greeff , Gavin Ryan , Getty Images , Mark Sampson , Pexels , Reg Caldecott , Rogan Ward , Stephen Granger , Tobias Ginsberg
Non-professional Photographers : Catherine Dixon , Karen McKenzie , Lauren Ward , Lesley Shaw , Linda Doke , Manfred Seidler , Norrie Williamson , Stuart Mann , Tony Calitz
Courtesy : ASICS , Athletics South Africa , Carla Farina , Channelle Makhele , Comrades Marathon Association , Meghan King , Nedbank Running Club , Olympedia . com , OnCloud , South African Sports Achievements
( Facebook ), Stuart Mann , Team SA Trail World Champs athletes , Two Oceans Marathon , Under Armour , Zola Budd-Pieterse Collection , Wikimedia / National Library of France
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