That said , I have to laugh , because every time I run a race with her , Nicole will tell me at least 20 times to push on , that I don ’ t need to wait for her , because I am supposedly so much faster than her . Meanwhile , I ’ m literally just trying to get through the race as best I can , as my fitness is very much still a work in progress , and my calf muscles take at least five kays to stop complaining . In other words , I couldn ’ t push on if you paid me ! Then again , perhaps she is trying to tell me that she wants some peace and quiet for a change …
Just Having Fun
Now , before you say it , I know , it sounds like we ’ re over-racing . However , in our case , we ’ re literally trundling along slowly at the back of the pack , just enjoying being out there . Remember , both of us are on the comeback trail ( literally and figuratively ) after roughly six months of Long COVID from June till December last year , so neither of us is pushing ourselves too hard . We walk whenever we feel like it , stop to enjoy the views , and make sure to get a few pics for the memories .
Sean Falconer |
The Good Times
Jokes aside , I really have enjoyed my running this past month . I may be slow , and I may need to do a fair amount of walking , but just being able to get out there feels great , and I am determined not to take my health and fitness for granted again . Or the good times spent with good people on the run . That ’ s quality of life .
Images : Chris Hitchcock , Sean Falconer , Alfred Thorpe , Nick Joubert |