Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 157 Issue 157 - March 2023 | Page 6

THE ED ’ S DESK the ed ’ s desk by SEAN FALCONER

THE ED ’ S DESK the ed ’ s desk by SEAN FALCONER

My Running Partner

As many of you may know already , if you receive our Modern Athlete newsletters or follow me on social media , I proposed to my ‘ better half ,’ Nicole , at the end of January , and she said yes . Yes , I know it took me a long time to get there , but you need to keep in mind that I have short legs , so it does take me a wee bit longer to get there . We haven ’ t set a date yet , but we have joked that we want to be wearing running shoes when we get married .

In the meantime , the two of us have been doing quite a bit of running in recent weeks , including one week where we ran Dirtopia ’ s L ’ Avenir Love Run 11km on Sunday 12 February , followed by the Devon Vale Valentine ’ s Love Run 5km on Tuesday 14 Feb , the Twilight Trail Series 12km on Wednesday 15 Feb , and the Versus Sock Party Run 17km the following Saturday ( 18 Feb ). That was quite some week of running , and there ’ s nobody I would rather have spent that quality time with than Nicole . I feel really privileged to have a partner who also enjoys running , who wakes up early with me to go to races , and who keeps me company on the trails or roads , then hangs out with me after races as we enjoy a glass of wine , or a snack , or an ice cream .
The Ed and his better half at the L ’ Avenir Love Run
We nearly always end up meeting somebody cool along the way , too , and having a great chat . For example , at the Versus Socks Party run in Franschhoek , we found ourselves literally last in the race , walking just behind another pair of backmarkers , so we pulled up next to Audrey Kayster and Laila Barthus and introduced ourselves . We ended up walk-jogging the whole way together and chatting up a storm , as we enjoyed a stunning route that included running along the banks of the Berg River Dam .
Besides finding new friends out on the trails , I ‘ found ’ something else during these recent races : My jumping face . I didn ’ t even know I had one , but after seeing pics taken of me at two different races , where I did a wee running jump for the photographer , I realised that I get this rather unique expression on my face when I jump . I think it can best be described as a combination of anticipation and fear , or the look of a middle-aged man realising that gravity is about to catch up with him !
That said , I have to laugh , because every time I run a race with her , Nicole will tell me at least 20 times to push on , that I don ’ t need to wait for her , because I am supposedly so much faster than her . Meanwhile , I ’ m literally just trying to get through the race as best I can , as my fitness is very much still a work in progress , and my calf muscles take at least five kays to stop complaining . In other words , I couldn ’ t push on if you paid me ! Then again , perhaps she is trying to tell me that she wants some peace and quiet for a change …
Just Having Fun
Now , before you say it , I know , it sounds like we ’ re over-racing . However , in our case , we ’ re literally trundling along slowly at the back of the pack , just enjoying being out there . Remember , both of us are on the comeback trail ( literally and figuratively ) after roughly six months of Long COVID from June till December last year , so neither of us is pushing ourselves too hard . We walk whenever we feel like it , stop to enjoy the views , and make sure to get a few pics for the memories .
Sean Falconer
The Good Times
Jokes aside , I really have enjoyed my running this past month . I may be slow , and I may need to do a fair amount of walking , but just being able to get out there feels great , and I am determined not to take my health and fitness for granted again . Or the good times spent with good people on the run . That ’ s quality of life .
Images : Chris Hitchcock , Sean Falconer , Alfred Thorpe , Nick Joubert
6 ISSUE 157 | www . modernathlete . co . za