Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 156 Issue 156 - Feb 2023 | Page 62

walk this way by ZELDA BOTHA


walk this way by ZELDA BOTHA

Biggest Walk of My Life

Training is on hold and plans have been changed as I undertake the wonderful journey to motherhood , but I know racewalking will be waiting for my return .

In June 2022 , I was finally given the go-ahead to start training again , after my big operation . Oh , the joy of putting on my racewalking shoes , filling up my bottles and getting onto the road was indescribable ! My first walk was slow and short , but it was also bittersweet . When starting again after eight months off , you are basically forced to take it slow , because every muscle is weak and stiff , and honestly , I was very uncomfortable for the first month . In other words , my times were slow and my distance was short .

Fortunately , I remembered a trick I used back when living in Durban , in the early part of my racewalking career . I started going to road races and entering the 5km fun runs , so that I wouldn ’ t have any walkers to compete with . The only reason for this was because I am usually too competitive , and I will definitely try and race if other walkers are entered – which was exactly what I was NOT supposed to do . So , every Sunday I tried a longer session or a fun run / walk , and it was great for my soul , and for my training . I focused a lot on technique , and making sure I did it correctly .
Time for a Rethink
By August , I still had the same pain referring down my front hip muscles . After many tests and another trial into theatre , we managed to pinpoint it to nerves in my back , meaning loads and loads of back rehab . I did not need to stop walking for this , but it was definitely hindering my ability to become fitter .
Now , everyone that knows me , knows that I speak of racewalking as something magical and beautiful , and that I have a genuine passion for the sport . However , lately it had become unhealthy for me to keep pushing my body where it clearly did not want to go … even if just yet .
So , in September , my husband suggested we take a weekend to go to Potchefstroom to regroup , see how we can move forward , and decide what we really wanted out of life . After that weekend and long conversations , we decided to put
It ’ s a boy … and he is going to be exposed to many sports !
racewalking second and start living the other aspects of our lives . For starters , I ’ ve also always wanted to try cross-fit , and I have a second love for trail running , but never pursued either because walking requires all of my time and energy . And I have a massive passion for my career , as well , but didn ’ t pursue more in that direction because of the time it would take away from my walking .
More importantly , since I could remember , I ’ ve wanted kids , but we had been putting starting a family on hold for my racewalking career . I also badly wanted to have kids while I was younger , rather than older , and said I wanted to try for a baby . So did Armin . Well , in October , we received the wonderful news that I am pregnant . I ’ ve won many races , and raced against the world ’ s best athletes , but nothing compares to the feeling you have once realising that you are going to be a mom . It ’ s The most magical feeling of all !
A New Direction
As a result , a much different training regime has been set up in my house lately . I run mostly now , and do some cycling , swimming and strength work in between . I train six days of the week , with one rest day in between , and it ’ s wonderful how the body adapts . Also , one thing I love about being pregnant is being so in tune with my body , and what it wants , but also what it needs . I hope this is something I can bring back to racewalking when I return .
Armin and I are still deciding whether our little boy will wear spikes , running shoes , racewalking flats or a helmet on top of his head , but either way , we will definitely introduce him to the world of sport that we love so much . So , watch out athletes of 2043 , baby Botha will be in training !
Proud parents-tobe Zelda and Armin , still keeping fit !
About the Author
Zelda Botha ( née Schultz ) won the 2019 SA 20km Road Race Walking title and the 2021 SA Track & Field Champs title , and she represented SA at the 2018 African Champs in Nigeria . She balances training and competing in racewalking with a full-time job as a surgical sales representative , and being married to top obstacle racer Armin Botha .
Images : Courtesy Zelda Botha
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