Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 156 Issue 156 - Feb 2023 | Page 52

( MIS ) ADVENTURES trail ( mis ) adventures by CARLA LEA FARINA


( MIS ) ADVENTURES trail ( mis ) adventures by CARLA LEA FARINA

Ultimate Favourites

Given my tendency to suffer misadventures when I race on the trails , I am naturally scared to say something that may jynx the rest of the year , but here ’ s to still having some epic adventures along the way !

Welcome to 2023 . This first column of the year is an appropriate time , I feel , to highlight some of my favourite events , as well as a few I have planned this year that I haven ’ t done before , and I hope this list inspires you to head out and take on a few challenges of your own . Of course , there are far more than mentioned here , but if I mention them all , this column will take up the whole magazine !

Pondo Ultra
Last of my big mentions is the Salt Pans Ultra ( www . saltpansultra . com ). This is a slightly tougher event offering only two distances , a 50km and a 100km , with relatively tough cut-offs and gruelling conditions , so you need some proper mileage in your legs to finish , but when you are out there on the pan , you will feel like you are on another planet ! There is also an amazing camaraderie amongst everyone at the event , from the runners to the organisers to the volunteers . As I was sick last year , I could only volunteer to help at this event , but this year I will be taking on the 100km in this stunning area .
Firstly , and this is in no particular order , all of the Wild Series events ( https :// wildseries . co . za ) are amazing . They are officially known as challenges and not races – your only goal is to finish them – so they really cater to all fitness levels . Three Cranes is the first in the series and is a three-day event . The best part is getting the opportunity to do the canopy tours on day one , and on day two there is a time-out zone at the beautiful Benvie Gardens .
Next in is this series is the Mont-Aux Sources , which is a single-day 50km race up and down the mountain . With stunning views , and constantly passing fellow runners due to its ‘ out and back ’ course , this is a fun and festive run ... especially coming down the gully ! We then have Golden Gate , also a three-day event , where you get to run in areas that are not open to the general public , and which you will only see if you do the race . Also , this year there will be a new event in the series … watch this space .
Camaraderie and Festivity
You may recall reading about my adventures at the Pondo Ultra ( https :// wildchildafrica . com / the-pondo-trail-run ), a 103km race in my favourite place in the world , the Wild Coast . This
can be run as the ultra , or for the less crazy , a wonderful three-day stage race with gin and tonic and crayfish waiting for you at the end of each day . Also , organiser Matt Botha throws the most amazing afterparty , and it ’ s worth running the race just for that . I hope to be doing this race again in 2023 , as it ’ s one of my favourites .
The Karkloof 100 Miler ( https :// karkloof100 . co . za ) has become particularly festive and accessible , as it caters to all fitness levels , going from 100 miles down to even a 5km . This makes it a wonderful family event . While I am contemplating doing the 100-miler again this year , I encourage all my fellow trailers to come along and complete a distance that you are comfortable with . It is run in a beautiful area , and the KK team really are amazing at catering to runners of all levels .
Karkloof 100 Miler
Many Choices on the Menu
While the point of this column is to encourage you to do a few of the iconic runs that I have enjoyed – because I am confident that they will be just as amazing an experience for you – there are so many more amazing trail events out there , some of which I will be running this year as well . I would like to encourage everyone to give new venues and races a try , because there is so much right on our doorstep that we haven ’ t even tapped into .
Granted , I have seen way more of some venues than the regular trailer , thanks to my unmatched ability to wander off the official race route , but you don ’ t need to get lost to embrace and enjoy the beauty , excitement , magic and adventure that our county as to offer . So go exploring , friends ! Now , I ’ m off to prepare myself for my next adventure …
About the Author
While Carla ’ s ‘ day job ’ is Head Tennis Coach and Director of Tennis at Game Set Match Tennis in Johannesburg , her second love is trail running , which she tackles with an unquenchable thirst for adventure , a never-say-die attitude , and a healthy sense of humour about all the misadventures that befall her on the trails !
Images : Nick Muzik , Gareth Roberts & Courtesy Wild Series , KZN Trail Running , Carla Farina
52 ISSUE 156 | www . modernathlete . co . za