Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 154 November 2022 | Page 57

Beers and Baobabs
As the temperature rose , so the conversation started to dry up , but a quick dip in a watering hole was out of the question , as hippos and crocs don ’ t like anyone encroaching on their personal space . Instead , we had to be content with visualisations of ice-cold beer and a dip in the swimming pool once we got back to Timbavati HQ .
The official temperature reading that I got from Africa Geographic CEO , Simon Espley ( one of our accompanying bike riders ), was 32 ° C . However , the incredible support tables continued to sustain our journey through the heat of the day . The sun was now well past the yardarm , the swimming pool would have to wait , but the reward on reaching the final couple of support tables was a cup of beer to help wash down the other delicacies on offer .
Strategic hydration is vital during the hot and humid Timbavati Traverse
With so much wildlife around , there ’ s a risk of not seeing the tree for the woods . There is plenty of stunning scenery to take in over the route , and a final highlight was a giant baobab tree . This baobab , which is estimated to be 2500 years old , provided some welcome shade as we regrouped just before heading back to base camp .
There was a full day of activities and entertainment at the finish to entertain the supporters and spectators , like snake-handling , traditional dancers and live music . The festivities were in full swing by the time we returned , and most of the spectators gathered around the finish line to welcome the last batch of runners home .
Finish line entertainment included traditional dancers
This baobab tree provided some welcome shade just before we headed back to base camp
My budding relationship with the Hoedspruit Brewing Company was only interrupted for prize-giving . Each runner is called up by name and individually presented with their award , a mounted trophy handcrafted by local artists from the Munene Art Gallery . This was another great touch , and will no doubt take pride of place in the trophy cabinets of all the participants .
I am a faithful proponent of brewmance after a long run , but the Traverse was even able to inject some romance and bromance into the day with the appearance of MotoGP star Brad Binder . Motorsport is extremely popular in this region , and Brad made time to chat to some of his adoring fans . The passionate looks of adulation were so intense that I overheard the remark , “ I bet their wives wished they [ their husbands ] still looked at them the same way !” ( Sidenote : Brad made the most of his romantic weekend in the bush by proposing to his long-time girlfriend , Courtney Renniers .)
Once in a Lifetime Experience
As the sun set on a magnificent day , I headed back to my room at the Bush Pub and Inn . Having seen so much diurnal wildlife during the Timbavati Traverse , a test match against Wales provided the opportunity to observe the nocturnal wildlife in their natural habitat as locals flocked to the Bush Pub , which is the only watering hole in the immediate vicinity . Unfortunately , the big game in the Timbavati Reserve was a lot more impressive than the big game on TV , as the insipid Springboks succumbed to defeat in the final minutes of the match .
As for me , after a long , hot day I was completely bushwhacked . Whilst we ’ re told that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush , it ’ s impossible to equate 45 kilometres through Timbavati ’ s bushveld with any number of kilometres on the road . On a bad day , running an ultra-marathon in the Timbavati Private Game Reserve is a fantastic experience ; on a good day , it may well be the best single-day running experience in Africa . Put this ‘ once in a lifetime experience ’ into your 2023 running calendar , because missing out on the Timbavati Traverse would be a Timbavati travesty .
Post-run Relaxation
After a long run in the heat ( and restrained beer consumption at the support tables ), I think I was quite severely dehydrated , but prioritised finding an empty seat to rest my weary legs before tackling the rehydration problem . As I scouted out a resting place , what is undoubtably the finest phrase I have ever heard after running a marathon was directed my way : “ Running Mann , I love your blog – let me buy you a beer !”
My benefactor was Matthew “ Petal ” le Grange , tax consultant , cricket enthusiast and lapsed runner ( working on becoming a current runner again ). His wife , Dr Julia , was on duty as the event ’ s medical doctor , and she was busily attending to one of our group that had started to wobble with a kilometre to go and needed a drip for dehydration . Ironically , both spouses were administering the same treatment to Traverse runners at the same time – although I ’ d have to say that I was much happier taking my post-run medicine orally rather than intravenously .
A truly unique running experience , from start to finish
Entries are already open for the 2023 Timbavati Traverse , and I recommend spending the night before the event in Hoedpsruit or somewhere just outside the reserve . Then , if you have the budget , take a few nights of R & R at one of the luxury lodges inside the Timbavati Reserve . There are several sites that offer really good specials for South African residents . And if you stay at King ’ s Camp , make sure you ask for Grant to be your ranger , and make sure he shows you all the animals you missed on your run !
Images : Chad Cocking , Stuart Mann
The trophies you earn for a hard day ’ s work
PS : If you enjoyed this article , please consider supporting the Timbavati ’ s antipoaching efforts and community upliftment programmes by making a donation on their givengain page .
About the Author
The Running Mann has run over 240 marathons and ultras around the world , and his current mission is to run every marathon in South Africa , so he is particularly looking forward to running the 45k Timbavati Traverse on 9 July . If you ’ d like him to run your race or talk at your event , email therunningmann @ gmail . com . You can follow his adventures on Twitter , Facebook or Instagram , and on his popular blog .