Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 154 November 2022 | Page 25

have I smashed my first marathon , I gained a wealth of knowledge about training and running as a sport , and have become part of a whole new , incredibly special family . I feel more confident in my skin and more determined to manage my PCOS symptoms than when I started this programme . I am so proud of myself for persevering through countless challenges , and not giving up on myself and my dreams . This journey has been a magical experience for me ! All glory to God !”
KAY ABRAHAMS : “ This journey has been a developing moment for me . Crossing the finish line proved to me that I can do challenging things – even things that initially seemed impossible .”
ASHLEIGH BREDEVELDT : “ The journey has been incredible . Now that this has come to an end , it feels
bittersweet , but the new running knowledge , advice , friendships and memories will always be with me . adidas has reminded me that my story goes beyond my impossible , and that the impossible is 100 % nothing .”
TRACEY ABRAHAMSE : “ We are living proof that if you truly set your mind and heart to something , you can accomplish it . Sure , life will throw you curveballs along the way , but all you have to do is shift your focus onto the elements you can control , which in this case , was keeping positive and remembering my gratitude and blessings , looking after my body and my nutrition , and surrounding myself with positive influences and my support group of fierce and fearless team-mates . That , over and above our rigorous training , will allow you to go beyond what you may think is impossible , and turn that into ‘ I ’ m possible .’ This was truly a life changing journey for me and I cannot put into words how honoured I feel to have been part of this incredible programme . To anybody reading this , I urge you to step out of your comfort zone and go for what you want .”
COACH KATHLEEN , “ I am still asking myself HOW ? I miss checking in on the ladies , because they climbed deep inside my heart , each in their own unique way . They might not run at an Olympic pace , but they certainly have Olympic grit . Put these ladies ’ hearts in Kenyans and you will have women running sub-2-hour marathons !”
Shaakirah Jaftha 3:58:38 Kay Abrahams 4:08:23 Yentle Arendse 5:08:29 Ncebakazo Dyani 5:17:45 Tracey Abrahamse 5:18:27 Zoe Brown 5:29:07
Leatitia Gradwell 5:33:32 Lenise Swanson 5:40:42 Jana Steyn 6:12:12 Melissa Abrahams 6:16:10 Ashleigh Bredeveldt 6:30:28