Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 153 October 2022 | Page 74

WALK THIS WAY walk this way by ZELDA BOTHA

WALK THIS WAY walk this way by ZELDA BOTHA

Cross-training for Race-walkers

As a race-walker I often get asked the question if I cross-train . The answer is a hard yes . Before my injury in 2021 , I often did recovery jogs , spent time in the gym and did the odd trail run when I could . So , could cross-training be good for you ? That ’ s another hard yes !

By rights , race-walkers should all have impressive six-packs and biceps . That ’ s because race-walking is one of the most demanding sporting disciplines in terms of muscle use , and it requires virtually every single muscle in the body to be firing on all cylinders . For example , race-walkers use our shin muscles and arm muscles more than runners , as well as our back muscles , and even our toe muscles .

A relaxed hike up a mountain is a great crosstraining session
A fun fact is that racewalkers can lose twice as much weight race-walking a 10km than runners will lose if running the same distance . Because we are using all these muscles , we burn loads more calories while enjoying the exact same distance as runners would for a morning session . That ’ s why I always tell people to make racewalking their number one exercise if they want a beach body this December !
But it ’ s not just the physical muscles that are used more – the mind also gets used more by race-walkers than runners . Because we have to focus throughout the race or training session on our technique , we use our brain muscles more often than people would just going out on an easy morning run . But from a strictly physical perspective , it ’ s important for race-walkers to keep all our muscles strong and flexible , in order to recover from training sessions and races faster , and to avoid injuries . And that ’ s why cross-training is so important , to work different muscles in different ways .
Important Acclimatisation
As athletes , we condition our muscles to being used in a specific way , and when we opt to do something different , the body gets a bit of a shock to the old system . So , if a race-walker goes for a jog , you may feel sluggish and ‘ heavy ’ the next day , like you cannot race-walk properly . This is just your ‘ running muscles ’ telling you that they are weak and tired , probably because they get used so little , and because you have not developed them to be as strong as your walking muscles . Therefore , the more you condition your body to get used to jogging once or twice a week , or putting in the odd cycling or swimming session , the better you will start coping with these aches and pains the next day , and the easier both your cross-training and your race-walking will become .
Furthermore , cross-training helps you to feel stress-free while training , because it is not your designated main sport , and you will naturally go easier on yourself in these sessions , allowing yourself to have a proper recovery session for body and mind . It also helps to strengthen the weaker muscles that don ’ t get used as much in your walking , and this helps strengthen the body to cope when you are pushing its limits .
Cross-training really does not have to be boring . Simply try to be active in other ways than just race-walking . In summer time , instead of just lying next to your swimming pool and working on your tan , why don ’ t you get in the pool every now and again and try swimming a few lengths , for an upper body workout and to build better lung capacity . If you are on holiday or visiting a new city , a good way to sightsee without making the body too tired , is renting a bicycle and cycling down the promenade . You can also try hiking up a mountain and playing a game of tennis with the parents .
Highly Recommended
Cross training has really helped me since my injury to train impact-free while regaining my fitness , and I am certain that I will continue this type of training going forward , as I have already seen the major changes in my body as well as the benefits of incorporating it into not only my training programme , but my lifestyle in general . So , give cross-training a go and add all the benefits and enjoyment that it can bring you .
Images : Courtesy Zelda Botha
Cross-training works different muscles in different ways
Cross-training may take you out of your comfort zone …
ISSUE 153 | www . modernathlete . co . za
About the Author
Zelda Botha ( née Schultz ) won the 2019 SA 20km Road Race Walking title and the 2021 SA Track & Field Champs title , and she represented SA at the 2018 African Champs in Nigeria . She balances training and competing in racewalking with a full-time job as ar surgical sales representative , and being married to top obstacle racer Armin Botha .
Cross-training will make you a stronger , fitter , more balanced race-walker