To be a good runner , it is advisable that you don ’ t only run , but focus on other aspects as well such as strength training and stretching . Having a complete picture of all your training is important , especially when you have a goal in mind . This means that having a watch that can track not just your running but other activities too , will not only be helpful , but will provide you with a complete picture of where you are .
Those venturing into the world of triathlete , you will need a watch that can track you swimming , and cycling , so having a watch that has more than one sports function is a solid bet . With these different modes comes different tracking abilities , like the number of strokes you take in the length of a pool , or the number of laps you swam , all important factors in the world of tri .
But if you are doing aerobics , or cross fit as well as running , it ’ s good to have a watch that can track these activities as with their intense nature , your heart rate will be elevated meaning it will affect how long you should be recovering for , tracking all these factors contributes to you getting fitter and stronger faster .
In today ’ s world , we have a lot of stress to cope with , not only from what comes with the 9 to 5 grind , but family pressures too . Insomnia and anxiety are all too common today , and so for many tracking sleep , stress , and resting heart rates become more important .
The good news is that with many of todays smart watches these features come standard . Sleep tracking goes as far as telling you how long you were in REM versus Deep Sleep , with guiding percentages telling you what is lacking . This means you have a better handle on sleep , which mentally can be comforting , and if medical intervention is needed , this information will guide your doctor on the best way forward . With anxiety , many watches come with a stress measurer , meaning you can keep track of stress , seeing when your anxiety is becoming too much , also a helpful tool to help doctors help you more
effectively . Living in the era of knowledge means that sometimes we can use this to help us , rather than overwhelm us .
A watch that also tracks your resting heart rate throughout the day is also incredibly helpful in seeing if you should be resting for longer periods between exercise , or if you might be coming down with a bug . The full picture is always important when working towards your health and fitness goals .
When it comes to training , your heart rate will guide you on the intensity of your training , many refer to heart rate zones , and a good training program will have you training in certain zones , building your endurance on some training sessions and your power on others .
If you are buying a watch to aid you to become fitter and stronger , than having a watch that can measure your heart rate accurately is key . The great thing is , is that a lot of the entry level watches come with a built in Heart Rate measurement system that works off your wrist , so you don ’ t have to worry about a strap around the chest . The technology today means these watches are accurate and give you the same beat measurement that a strap would .
Why is knowing your heart rate important ? Monitoring your heart rate during exercise is essential to success in meeting your fitness goals , especially if those goals revolve around improving cardiovascular health and weight loss . Training at a high intensity should be shorter , while if you are aiming to build endurance , training at a lower heart rate , one in which you feel comfortable in , zone 2 or 3 , means your body will copy better for longer .
Your Heart Rate during a session will also guide you on how long you should be resting for until your next session , so all this information works together to guide you on how hard , and how long you should be training for .
For many of us staying connected is the biggest priority , so when looking at a smart watch some may want added features of getting notifications sent to their watch from their phone .
Things to consider here would be the model of phone you currently have , and whether this will connect to your watch , and if the watch app allows you to choose the notifications you wish to receive . You don ’ t want to be having your watch vibrate every five seconds telling you that your candy crush highest score is in danger of being beaten .
Being able to quickly glance down at your watch also means that you can keep off your phone when you need to without the anxiety of missing something important .