Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 152 August 2022 | Page 22

walk this way by ZELDA BOTHA


walk this way by ZELDA BOTHA

Like Daughter , Like Mother

There ’ s more than one race walker in my family , and I am immensely proud to be able to write about my mom-in-law , Ronelle Botha ’ s recent achievements in the sport !

Five years ago , I met Ronelle Botha as my ( then ) boyfriend ’ s mother , a cross country runner and track athlete , and a superb teacher . In 2018 she competed at the World Masters Championships in Malaga , Spain , and came home really disappointed with her performance . We all thought she had done exceptionally well for her country , but she expected more of herself .

The first thing she said after coming back from those Champs was that she wanted a long rest to recoup and refocus . The second thing was : “ How does one become a racewalker ?” I actually thought she was just joking and answered her with a giggle , but four weeks later , she asked me the same question again , this time in a more serious tone . I answered , “ Well , you are already fit , so I would say you just need to focus on technique .” I then took her to a local coach , Carl Meyer , and since then they have worked together to reach her ultimate goal , to compete in the race walking events at the World Masters Champs .
Putting Plans on Hold
Sadly , Ronelle ’ s dream to compete at the 2020 World Masters Championships in Poland was crushed when COVID made its appearance and overstayed its welcome . I think it was easier for us senior category athletes to stay focused and motivated , as at the end of 2020 we got some racing opportunities , and in 2021 we still managed to get some racing in , although sometimes with extreme difficulties . On the other hand , Masters athletes really got the short end of the stick . If you were in an age category above 35 years , you were hardly allowed racing on the track , and there were no such thing as South African Championships for them , either . So , for Ronelle to stay focused and fit during this time , even though hard , was absolutely incredible .
Zelda with momin-law and . fellow co . za
ISSUE 152 | www . modernathlete walker Ronelle Botha
Ronelle in the 10km walk at the World Masters Champs
During my recovery earlier this year from surgery , I spent numerous hours next to the road on my camping chair in Johannesburg South , cheering Ronelle on and taking her splits . Once I could move around on crutches , I spent loads of time as a ‘ waterboy ’ and her personal second , experiencing first-hand the hard work and dedication that led up to her qualifying for the 2022 World Masters Champs in Finland , held at the beginning of July . Amongst Ronelle ’ s close friends and fellow walkers who also managed to stay focused during the pandemic period and then book their tickets to Finland were Hildegard Vey and Edna Brand .
Flying Finish in Finland
A few months before boarding the plane to Finland , Ronelle received her national colours , and therefore she had the official right to wear the South African emblem on her racing gear , which as an athlete is a huge honour . Unfortunately , her 5000m event at the World Champs did not quite go to plan , but this made the hunt for gold in the 10km walk that much sweeter .
Back home , the whole Botha family – my husband Armin and I , along with my father-in-law Danie and sister-in-law Lauren – waited in anticipation on Sunday 3 July for any news as to what the results of the race were . We had spoken to Ronelle earlier that morning , and she told us about the heat wave in Finland , and that the race was going to take place on an uneven road in the blistering afternoon heat . She seemed unsure what to expect , but I just knew from the get go that she was going to medal . Did I think it would be a gold medal ? Probably not …
So , you can imagine the delight on our faces when we got the news : Mom had just become a World Champion ! My father-in-law cried tears of joy , and we all wished we were there , in Finland , to share this beautiful moment with Ronelle in person . With an athlete like her and a coach like Carl , only more success and triumphs are to come for this firing combo !
Meanwhile , both Hildegard and Edna also walked away with gold medals in their age categories , and smiles from ear to ear , and I ’ d like to send a huge congratulations to all our South African athletes and their coaches for their many successes at the World Masters Championships . It really is fantastic to see hard work resulting in great success .
Ronelle with friends and fellow gold medallists Hildergard Vey and Edna Brand
About the Author
Zelda Botha ( née Schultz ) won the 2019 SA 20km Road Race Walking title and the 2021 SA Track & Field Champs title , and she represented SA at the 2018 African Champs in Nigeria . She balances training and competing in racewalking with a full-time job as ar surgical sales representative , and being married to top obstacle racer Armin Botha .
Images : Courtesy Zelda Botha , Ronelle Botha