Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 151 June 2022 | Page 20

Cian doing her solo run at the African Champs in Mauritius
On the way to another PB in the Absa RUN YOUR CITY DURBAN 10K , which was also the SA 10km Champs race stressful person , so I always took my university exams very seriously , which affected my training . But after stopping my studies at the end of 2020 , I could focus more on my running . I was a proper student in first and second year , and I went out a lot with friends , but I got that out of my system and now I hardly ever go out for a drink ,” she says .
There is one more factor that Cian makes a point of including . “ In school and varsity , I struggled with depression and anxiety , so in 2019 I began seeing a life coach . Since then I have improved my mental health , I experience less big swings between highs and lows , and I have developed better coping skills . I think mental health should be spoken about more often , as many people struggle with it , so I try to pass on my positive experience through my story and in my own coaching .”
Bitten Early by the Bug
Cian was born and raised in Johannesburg , growing up with her Mom , Step-dad and older sister . ( Her natural father has been out of the picture since she was young .) She began running while in Bryandale Primary School , which held an annual fun run , and in grade two she won it . “ In grade three my class teacher was also the cross country coach , so I joined the school team , and in grade four I joined Randburg Harriers , then made my first provincial squad in grade five . I think I came 72nd in that year ’ s SA XC Champs .”
In high school , Cian says she continued running , as Fourways High had a good running team , but her own running took a big dip from grades nine to eleven . “ My Step-dad passed away , and then I picked up niggly injuries and my running became very inconsistent . That continued until I had surgery at the end of grade 11 for my shoulder problem , and the following year I enjoyed much better running results in my Matric year .”
She took a gap year after school , then in 2016 began studying sport psychology at the University of Johannesburg ( UJ ). Having completed her graduate degree , she did an Honours in Sport Science in 2019 , then began a B . Com Entrepreneurial Management degree in 2020 , but the COVID pandemic disrupted her
studies badly , and at the end of that year she decided not to pursue it further . Since then , she has been working part-time as an athletics coach for Fitness From Africa as well as offering private coaching services , while also working part-time for adidas as a brand coach , ambassador and sales rep .
It was while at UJ that Cian made her first national team , going to the World Student Cross Country Champs . However , she admits that her running was still quite inconsistent at that stage . “ Those World Student Champs were a good experience , even though I finished second-last ! So when I had to take four months off in 2017 for my second shoulder surgery , I decided that if I was going to run , I had to take it more seriously . When I came back in late 2017 , I met Marco Bucharizza at the SA Cross Country Champs and asked him if his coach could possibly help me , but he said he would coach me instead . He instilled a lot of his enthusiasm and passion for the sport in me , but I still struggled with a few things , including more shoulder issues , a sprained ankle , and even two bouts of tonsilitis .”
That saw Marco suggest to Cian at the beginning of 2020 that she move over to his coach , George , and Cian has never looked back . “ Marco set me up with good groundwork , but George has been great to help me up my training and racing , bringing in better rest and nutrition , turning me into a more consistent runner . Other than a strained calf in the first few weeks after joining him , I have not had any serious injuries under George , and I ’ m really enjoying my running . He is really good at letting his athletes know they ’ re doing well , and is such an enthusiastic supporter as well .”
In Search of More
So , in the past year , Cian has set multiple PBs , won her first national cross country title , been on the podium for the first time at the SA Track Champs as well as at a SPAR Grand Prix road event , and has run for her country on the international stage . Little wonder that she says it all still feels a bit surreal , or that she is still surprised by some of her results , especially her silver medal at SA Champs . “ I didn ’ t expect track to be my first national team , but when I hit the qualifying mark at SA Champs , I let myself get excited . Also , I knew going to Mauritius would be a great learning experience , and
Images : Courtesy Ilma Stockton , Cape Milers Club , Murray & Roberts Running Club
20 ISSUE 151 | www . modernathlete . co . za