Having Some Fun at AFRICANX
One just has to look through some of the many pics captured by Chris Hitchcock at this year ’ s THIRSTI AFRICANX TRAILRUN to see that the runners had a fabulous time out on the trails as well as back at the race venue , the Houw Hoek Hotel .
Congrats , Gramps !
You would have thought that finishing the tough , 32km second stage of the 2022 AFRICANX was reward enough for Yusry Frizler , but there was even better news waiting for him back at the Houw Hoek Hotel .
Yusry Frizler ( front ) with running partner Ebrahim ‘ EJ ’ Jacobs Antonio Gambino , coming in for a hot landing
Quality time together for Francis-Joy and Wesley Abrahams
As Yusry Frizler came trundling into the finish line with running partner Ebrahim Jacobs , he was probably just looking forward to a cold drink of THIRSTI and sitting down for a while . It had a been a long , hot day during the hilly second stage of the three-day event , and he was understandably tired , but still in good spirits as he crossed the line .
Conrad Meier tackles a puddle , with running partner Glanville Retief in pursuit
Nothing beats a few switchbacks !
However , what was ‘ just ’ a satisfied smile soon turned into a beaming grin from ear to ear as the commentator broke the news to him that his daughter had given birth to a healthy baby girl earlier that morning , and both mother and daughter were doing fine . The baby had only been due the following week , but had come a wee bit earlier than expected . Yusry ’ s wife and several family members had come out to Grabouw to surprise him at the finish with the news , and the smile said it all as he was congratulated by all his fellow runners .
52 ISSUE 150 | www . modernathlete . co . za