Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 150 May 2022 | Page 11



Allan Smith : Well said , Manfred , agree with you . We first have to look after our events and the sport , so it is here tomorrow for those who want to participate . If we don ’ t , we simply won ’ t have events for all to take part in . Run the sport like a business first , so it can survive , then you can have money to help the athletes that need help .
Will we see the roads filled at Comrades this year , or will the high entry fees put many off ? We ’ ll see in August …
Alan Buckley : Sadly , I have been informed that the presence of Metro Police is one , if not the most expensive factor affecting the cost of an event . Perhaps organisers will have to look for non-public roads with reasonable infrastructure , even with gravel roads that are in good repair , and if that means having to do multiple laps , so be it . Multiple laps also have the advantage of saving on the number of water points and paramedics , who will have a shorter route to observe . I personally wouldn ’ t like to go this route , but it would be preferable to not being able to afford to take part in events anymore .
Ingrid Kemp : How about the more privileged making a donation on their entry ? This can then be allocated to a ‘ Runner in need ’ account . Runners can sign up with some proof of income , and funds can be allocated for their entry at half price . I realise this could be an accounting nightmare , but where there ’ s a will , there ’ s a way . I certainly can ’ t afford to enter runs . We have so much raw talent in this country , we need to discover and develop it .
Julius Oosthuizen : If I may , I think the debate about higher entry fees forming a barrier to competitive athletes from poorer communities is an important one . No easy solutions , but two thing which I think are useful to reflect on : ( i ) Are we as event participants doing enough to hold race organisers accountable for what they do with race profits , and particularly to support development and opportunities for athletes from poorer communities , and ( ii ) are we ourselves doing what we can on this front ?
Taryn Opperman : I completely understand and am grateful for the Metro Police officers that are ‘ on duty ’ during the road races , however , as this
has now become the highest cost associated with events , could they perhaps pay a bit more attention to the event , the runners and the traffic ? Not be on their mobile phones on the corner of the street while the marshals from the club ( or otherwise ) do their best to direct traffic ? Surely I ’ m not the only person who has noticed this ?
Benjamin O ’ Neil : Perhaps clubs that are in the same areas should host races together to keep cost down .
How do you feel about this debate ? Are entry fees too high , or do you think they ’ re justified , given scarcity of sponsorships and increased costs of event logistics ? Have your say by mailing your comments to letters @ modernathlete . co . za .
The Two Oceans Marathon is another race that hasn ’ t sold out this year , in stark contrast to previous years