Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 148, Jan 2022 Jan 2022 | Page 28


Given the massive challenges and disappointments since 2020 , John Osborne ’ s “ Look back in anger ” is outplayed by Liam Gallagher and the band Oasis , who instructed , “ Don ’ t look back in Anger … at least today !” So , as the New Year begins , Roy T Bennett ’ s words offer some positivity : “ Do not let the memories of your past limit the potential of your future .” Appropriate advice , given the rumbles of conceptual change that are projecting Omicron as the ‘ mild virus that will provide protection and improved natural immunity ,’ and of course , we welcome this as we tread gingerly into 2022 .

The powers that be speak of a projected 70 to 80 % immunity , allowing the removal of quarantines as well as track and trace , and decreased testing . Whether political face-saving or reality , this is the immunity level that leadership has determined as public ‘ parole criteria ’ to experience COVID freedom … and suddenly , in December , the scientists , health officials and politicians mysteriously amassed an increase from 25 % vaccination immunity to the required threshold that can set the country free . As we stumble towards the February National Disaster Management review , hope is rising for a modified ‘ normal ’ ahead .
Return to Racing
In light of this , many provincial athletics bodies have issued new fixture lists , and just as with good race pacing , the calendars commence conservatively , then pick up into racing mode , with clubs clambering for dates for events . We can expect a similar approach from runners , who were dropping out of races at a rate of 33 % from time of entry to start line in October . Now , with the reduction of both vaccination hesitancy and fear of crowds , that rate has improved to 20 to 25 %.
Worldwide figures , including the five Abbott Major Marathons with between 20,000 and 40,000 runners and other widely-broadcast events , did not attract any criticism for being super-spreaders … or even minorspreaders , for that matter ! And participation sports have been seen to be very low risk events , and good for overall health .
I think we can expect that South Africa will be back in full racing flow by March , potentially even with an


Time to Look Forward

Given all that we have endured the past two years due to the COVID pandemic , now more than ever a New Year is a time for a retrospective view of the previous year ’ s highlights and lowlights , but then time to focus on the future .
increase in licensed runners as the general population become more aware that a healthy mind and body provides the greatest boost for immunity , and that natural immunity is 27 times ( researched ) better than vaccination .
Crossing Oceans
Exciting times lie ahead for participation sport , with one of the first potential beneficiaries being the 51 st Two Oceans Marathon . The event unfortunately requires major refurbishment of credibility and integrity following two years of cancellation , governance questions and the recent lack of follow-through on entry dates promised in December . The organisers have indicated that they are awaiting feedback from a stakeholder , but have kept who that is close to their chest . It is known that Western Province Athletics ( WPA ) has only officially sanctioned events until the end of January 2022 , until the General Council approves the provincial fixture list at the meeting on 20 January , so it is possible that this is the awaited go-ahead .
A lot of uncertainty still hangs over the 2022 Two Oceans Marathon
On one hand , it is understood that all events should be treated equally , but on the other hand , the impact of Oceans on other events affects many decisions for clubs all over the country , so one would hope that the hold-up is not with WPA . Wherever the delay lies , it is unfortunate , and frustrating , that an event with such heritage has its reputation and trust eroded by a delay in basic information . And this may lead to runners from other provinces and foreign runners deciding to go elsewhere , reducing the much-needed economic benefit for the Western Cape tourism industry .
Meanwhile , the proposed new two-day Easter Weekend set-up , with the Ultra on the Saturday and the Half Marathon on the Sunday , will hopefully allow the event to fill its allocated numbers . Even better , if regulations are indeed relaxed , hopefully even more entries will be allowed . Interestingly , the City of Cape Town keenly recognises the importance of the commercial impact of events for both the City and the province , and is thus encouraging events to accept increased numbers .
Images : Courtesy Two Oceans Marathon , Comrades Marathon , Nedbank Running Club
28 ISSUE 148 JANUARY 2021 | www . modernathlete . co . za