Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 148, Jan 2022 Jan 2022 | Page 55

( MIS ) ADVENTURES trail ( mis ) adventures by CARLA LEA FARINA


( MIS ) ADVENTURES trail ( mis ) adventures by CARLA LEA FARINA

Time to Take Stock

December time always ends too fast , but I still so look forward to the slower pace , and it was thanks to slowing down this December that I realised why I love trail running and all my adventures so much . And the misadventures , too .
Images : Courtesy Carla Farina


spent most of my December in a very quiet Johannesburg , running with friends almost every day . It was so awesome to run with them , and then be able to sit down and enjoy their company , without having to rush off to work or appointments . Don ’ t get me wrong , I absolutely love my job , but to be able to run without worrying about time and being able to catch up with friends is the reason I started running in the first place .
So , when it came time for me to head down to my favourite family holiday destination , Stutterheim in the Eastern Cape , I didn ’ t pack much , but I made sure my Hoka Torrents and hydration pack were in the mix . My running goal for the holiday ? To run the beautiful Amatola trails with no pressure at all to do it fast . I stopped often to admire the views , I took photos , I enjoyed the wildlife , and I breathed in the fresh air .
Ok , don ’ t worry , I am not getting all sentimental on you , I still did my usual things , too . I got lost , I fell over , and I even almost got bitten by a snake … but I never felt any pressure . If my run took all day , well then , it took me all day . ( Actually , if a run takes me all day , I am probably lost , and you should send a search party , but you get the point …)
Running Without Pressure
I think it is important to sometimes go back to the root of things , like why I started trail running . I love being active , and I love adventure , and when you are in the
Taking it all in on the Eastern Cape trails
Relaxed December running with Joburg friends
thick of the mountains that literally inspired Lord of the Rings , you experience a rush of adventure that comes over you . I thoroughly enjoy racing and doing extreme runs in certain time frames , and I love the competitiveness it stirs up inside of me , but running with absolutely zero pressure was such a special time for me .
I woke up each morning dying to get my running shoes on and head out on another adventure , where something new and exciting awaited . I saw my favourite waterfall flowing so beautifully again after the town had experienced extreme drought , I had a beautiful sighting of a Knysna Loerie , and I even helped some local farmers herd their cattle . Also , one of my favourite things to do this holiday was to listen to the Lord of the Rings audiobook while I was running . That was awesome – I felt like I was on an exciting , extreme mission to save the world !
On the other hand , I also almost got arrested for not having my permit , but that was quickly sorted out , and my permit now lives safely in my hydration pack . ( Pro tip : Always make sure you have the right permits when exploring new places , as many places do require such things .) And thank goodness I didn ’ t actually get bitten by the snake . ( Ironically , it was a night adder that almost bit me in the middle of
Exercise partners Aero and Comet
the day … and that would have made for an epic misadventure , even by my standards !)
Stop to Enjoy the View
The point of this column , as we head back into the normal hustle and bustle of the new year , is to take some time every now and then to remember ( and appreciate ) why we do the things we do . We so often get caught up in rushing , or being too competitive , whether it is with ourselves or the clock or each other , that we miss the beauty and adventure that is around us , even while we run in the most beautiful locations South Africa has to offer .
I love races , I love being competitive and I love the thrill I get when I have completed a race in a respectable time , but this holiday made me realise that what I love most is being out on some awesome adventures , and I am so excited and happy that I get to share them all with you . So even as I sit here , looking at the extreme race calendar I have set for myself for the year ahead , here is my challenge to you for 2022 : Take some time to enjoy your runs .
Here ’ s wishing everyone happy , fun and exciting adventures this year , and to those of you on the fence about whether you should take up trail running , just do it … You will never look back !
About the Author
While Carla ’ s ‘ day job ’ is Head Tennis Coach and Director of Tennis at Game Set Match Tennis in Johannesburg , her second love is trail running , which she tackles with an unquenchable thirst for adventure , a never-say-die attitude , and a healthy sense of humour about all the misadventures that befall her on the trails !