Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 145, Sept/Oct 2021 | Page 54

WALK THIS WAY walk this way by ZELDA BOTHA

WALK THIS WAY walk this way by ZELDA BOTHA

This Too Shall Pass

Most athlete fear picking up an injury , and when it comes to racewalking injuries , prevention is better than cure .


had many fears going into my 2021 season , but a serious injury never crossed my mind . Unfortunately , injuries rarely happen at a convenient time . In fact , they sometimes sneak in , like a thief in the night , and usually overstay their welcome . In hindsight , there were many things I could ’ ve done to prevent my injury , but I decided to rather focus on how I can overcome it , in the process helping others through my healing process , and look ahead to what I can do better next season .
Strengthening and Stretching
Firstly , as racewalkers , we tend to put a lot of strain on our hips , knees and lower back . Therefore , we need to strengthen the muscles around those areas as well as focus on efficient , correct technique . A good technique really does put way less strain on the body , but this needs to be practised , and during that process , changing from a bad technique to a better one could cause you some niggles along the way .
Like most South Africans during the 2020 hard lockdown period , I had zero access to a road and had to train indoors for six weeks . I used this time to focus on strength training , which included lunges , squats , burpees , core work and stretching . However , what I did not take into account was that I did too much , too quickly , and straight after training , I would go back to sitting behind a desk for work . This caused me to experience a sciatic nerve injury in my right back and hamstring .
The key takeaway here is that you should build up your strength work gradually , making sure not to overdo it in the early stages . Also , stand up from behind your desk at least once every hour and make a point to stretch as often as you can . Added to that , exercises you can try will include back stretching , hip / glute stretching and pre-hab stretching ( all pictured below ). Please feel free to contact me anytime through my Instagram page (@ zelda _ walker ) if you want me to explain this better . I would love to help , even if it ’ s just a shoulder to cry on while you ’ re injured .
Getting the Best Advice
Fast-forward to the end of 2020 , and with the help of my coach , Irish walker Rob Heffernan , I paired up with one of the elite biokinetic coaches in Ireland , Mr William . He coached me on racewalking-specific strength and conditioning work , instead of just doing general gym work that ’ s not meant for racewalkers . This was a huge game-changer , and made me stronger than I ’ ve ever been before , so I am definitely going to share his tips and exercises with you in coming months .
However , in the meantime , I unfortunately suffered a rather big setback at the end of my 2021 season , when I learnt that I have managed to injure myself to the extent of being able to do zero training . This has never happened to me before , and I can assure it ’ s not because of over-training – Rob is really good at listening to my body , and adapting training where we have to .
It was purely the lack of stretching , specifically the pre-hab stretching before training , that I had started to neglect a bit , as well as not stopping when I experienced pain for the first time . That last one is super important . Stop when you feel something is wrong . No-one knows your body better than you do , and if something feels just slightly off , rather have it checked out .
I am not saying it ’ s always easy , but with the help of my husband Armin , my coach , my physio Eben Verster , my mentor Jean Verster and the heaps of friends standing by me , I cannot help but stay focused on the end goal and enjoy the process I am busy with . As discomforting as the situation is right now , always stay true to your belief that things can change if you keep working hard .
Patience is Key to Success
So why prevention before cure ? One of my friends , Polish 50km racewalker Damian Blocki , told me this : “ I would rather toe the line well rested than overtrained and tired .” That ’ s advice I think we all should listen to more . Rest when your body is tired . Eat to fuel your body , which will make it stronger . Strength and conditioning are just as important as a session on the track , and when you experience any discomfort , stop !
Most importantly , never let it define you . This is a season in your life , so embrace it , learn from it , and better yourself from it . Never make the same mistakes , and never blame yourself or anyone else . Get up , do the work to fix it , and stay positive and motivated along the way . This too shall pass , and when it does , you will be a better athlete overall .
About the Author
Zelda Botha ( née Schultz ) won the 2019 SA 20km Road Race Walking title and the 2021 SA Track & Field Champs title , and she represented SA at the 2018 African Champs in Nigeria . She balances training and competing in racewalking with a full-time job as a surgical sales representative , and being married to top obstacle racer Armin Botha .
Back Stretch Glutes stretch
A stretch a day keeps the frown at bay !
54 ISSUE 145 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2021 | www . modernathlete . co . za
Images : Courtesy Zelda Botha
Pre-hab stretch