In 2017 I was diagnosed with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma Cancer Stage 4 . This time around I was diagnosed Stage 3 . On 26 January this year I had a bone marrow transplant , and I was in hospital for a total of 20 days , but on 11 April I ran my first half marathon ( 21.1km ) post the transplant . That ’ s what these pics show .
The transplant was done after seven months of intensive chemotherapy , and before the transplant I had to undergo more intensive chemotherapy to wipe out my own bone marrow , meaning no white blood cells for a few days . The transplant happened , then the side-effects of chemotherapy kicked in , a sore throat . My gosh I ’ ve never experienced such pain in my life before , and swallowing was so painful ! I had tonsillitis lots of times when I was younger , but shoo , that was nothing compared to this !
It was sore for about five days , till my body started making new white blood cells . Through the Grace of the God , I made it through and my body did not reject the new bone marrow – my older sis was a 100 % match – and I was discharged on 8 Feb , on my daughter ’ s birthday .
I started walking a week after that , and not long after that , I started running again . I remember the first time I tried to run , I walked up to the Zevenwacht Wine Estate security boom , then ran down . Yoh , my legs were shaking like jelly ! I also remember being frustrated , running at the back always , but I had to be patient , push when I can , rest when needed . Slowly , surely , I worked my way to getting stronger . I pushed this body … it had no choice .
It ’ s not an easy journey , but God has His plans and reasons for everything . No matter what you are going through , joy cometh in the morning . – Chantel Menziwa , Cape Town
I can only take my hat off to you , Chantel , for your unquenchable spirit and lust for life . Your story is an inspiration to the rest of us , and long may your running journey continue . – Ed .
They are not shoes , they are wings . They are the bridge between the human condition and healing , They are the connection of two trees ’ roots underground , far apart , They are the synapse between the person you were and the person you are becoming , They are the window to an unseen world . They are the void you ’ ve been trying to fill with everything else that is transient , They are the pangs of sadness leaving your body . They are the answer , They are the Freedom . – Karyn Cowan , Johannesburg
As an unabashed collector of running shoes , with the great fortune to be in a job that brings me new shoes on a regular basis , I love your ode to the venerable running shoe . They are indeed the wings beneath our feet . – Ed .
The word “ marathon ” is often used as an adjective , meaning “ long ” or “ extended ,” or “ of long duration ,” e . g . “ it was a marathon meeting before consensus was reached ” or “ sjoe , but I am moeg after a marathon session working in the garden .” But when “ marathon ” is used as a noun , it is ( or should be ) meaning “ running 42.2 km .” So , according to this definition , you cannot cycle or swim a marathon , although swimming 10km or cycling 100km will feel like a marathon !
Ja-nee , we currently use many words completely out of context ! Eish . – Hans Hugo , Stellenbosch
Speaking as a running wordsmith who regularly has to read about all sorts od weird and wonderful ( non ) - marathons dreamt up by marketing people , I would like to thank you for putting the record straight on this issue , Hans . Viva , marathons , viva ! – Ed .
Anyone have contacts to squash or reduce speeding fines , please ? Feels like this is gonna be a ‘ groooooot ’ fine ! – Faizel Jacobs , Cape Town
Perhaps my eyesight is going as I get older , but I don ’ t see those tyres burning … so I reckon the fine shouldn ’ t be too bad . But speeding is speeding , and it ’ s the right thing to do to pay your fines ! ( Thanks for the laugh , Faizel .) – Ed .