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TRAIL RUNNING ( continued )
Coming Back from COVID
Hi , my name is Sue and I tested positive for COVID-19 . I am writing this as an honest , open account of my own personal experience , not to dissect this virus or to garner sympathy , but in the hope that it may help you to understand it a bit more , and hopefully avoid it . – BY SUE ULLYETT
Trail ( Mis ) Adventures : Week of Halves with Henry
If you read last month ’ s edition , you ’ ll know Henry Cock is aiming to set a new Guinness World Record for 133 consecutive of days running 21km as he runs from Mozambique to Namibia along the SA coast , and I joined him for seven days of adventure in the Eastern Cape . – BY CARLA FARINA
Back on the Track
It ’ s great to be back , but now the hard work really starts … That ’ s what South African women ’ s 100m record holder , Carina Horn , says about finishing her two-year doping suspension in September , and having ‘ done her time ,’ she is raring to go again . – BY SEAN FALCONER
Shot , Kyle !
In May , Kyle Blignaut confidently promised that he would compete in the shot put final at the Tokyo Olympics , and in August the young athlete delivered on that promise . Now , he is looking to do even better on the world stage . – BY WILHELM DE SWARDT & SEAN FALCONER
Quo vadis , Athletics South Africa ?
I don ’ t want to dwell on the recent Olympics or World u20 Champs , because I don ’ t think they are relevant to the future of the sport in this country . My point is that we have had good and bad years before , but the lessons of the past were never learnt . So , quo vadis … where to now ? – BY JAMES EVANS
Walk this Way : This Too Shall Pass
Most athlete fear injury , and when it comes to racewalking injuries , prevention is better than cure . There were many things I could ’ ve done to prevent my injury , but I have decided to rather focus on how I can overcome it , and in the process help others through my healing process . – BY ZELDA BOTHA
Jumping in at the Deep End
Pre-COVID , most weekends would see Mandlenkosi ‘ Mindlo ’ Mdhluli out on the roads , taking part in both running and cycling events , but when the pandemic forced the cancellation of all road events , he looked for his racing fix elsewhere . But first he had to learn to swim … – BY SEAN FALCONER
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The Best Foods to Fuel Your Workouts
We all know that food is fuel , and numerous studies have shown that for optimal results , as well as for a faster recovery , focusing on what you are putting into your body before and after you exercise is pretty important . – BY JO HILL
Get Tapping , Feel Better
EFT Stands for Emotional Freedom Technique , also known as Tapping or Psychological Acupressure . Based on Chinese acupuncture points in the body , it is an alternative practice to relieve physical pain and emotional distress . – BY KARYN COWAN
Full Body Workout
Let ’ s get your blood pumping and bodies moving with this full body workout . Complete all exercises as a circuit , with 40 seconds on and 10 seconds ’ rest in between each exercise . Complete 2-4 times . – BY LOGAN COLEMAN
Are you a People-pleaser ?
Find it difficult to say no to others ? Find yourself agreeing to things that you don ’ t want to do ? Constantly worried about disappointing others ? Then you might be a people-pleaser , and it ’ s important to know the underlying causes . – BY PAULA QUINSEE
Bringing the A + to Gym Class
Our Marketing Director , Roxanne Martin , is a rather big fan of Under Armour , so she was thrilled to receive a special parcel from them , full of new women ’ s workout gear to test . Here are her review notes after putting the gear through some solid gym sessions .
Subscribe to Modern Athlete
ISSUE 145 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2021 | www . modernathlete . co . za
Nothing Beats a Good Laugh
Runners are known for their great sense of humour , so it ’ s no surprise that the internet is full of running jokes and memes , and we decided to share a few that really tickled our funny bone ! – BY SEAN FALCONER
Win BIG with our Treasure Hunt
All you have to do in order to stand a chance of winning a R2000 voucher from adidas is read your favourite running mag and answer six easy questions about articles in this edition .
It ’ s so simple to receive every edition of SA ’ s biggest running publication , and by subscribing , you will receive a monthly mailer containing the link to read the mag online , and you can also download or print it , if you prefer . We also have all the back issues !
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PUBLISHERS Richard Laskey | Roxanne Martin | Sean Falconer
ADVERTISING SALES Richard Laskey 083 342 8200 / richard @ modernathlete . co . za
DIGITAL SALES & CAMPAIGNS Roxanne Martin 072 368 7390 / roxanne @ modernathlete . co . za
EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR : Sean Falconer seanf @ modernathlete . co . za DESIGNER : Caroline Collings caroline . collings @ gmail . com DIGITAL CONTENT MANAGER : Roxanne Martin ADDITIONAL DESIGN : Nicole Ferreira PROOFREADING : Nicole Hayes
EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Regulars : Carla Lea Farina , Jo Hill , Karyn Cowan , Logan Coleman , Manfred Seidler , Nick Robert , Norrie Williamson , Paula Quinsee , PJ Moses , René Kalmer , Roxanne Martin , Sean Falconer , Stuart Mann , Tom
Cottrell , Zelda Botha Guest Writers : Anneline Roffey , Arnold Geerdts , Chantel Menziwa , Faizel Jacobs , Hans Hugo , James Evans , Jeff Ayliffe , Kyla Jacobs , Nicole Hayes , Shafeeqah Gordon , Stef Migliore , Sue Ullyett , Wilhelm De Swardt
Photo Agencies & Professional Photographers : Action Photo SA , Adobe Stock , Adam McConnachie , Barbara Cole , Carl Fourie , Dreamstime , EL Rorke Photography , Instapix , Martyn Mulder , Reg Caldecott , Rogan Ward , Roger Sedres / ImageSA , toppng . com , Unsplash Non-pro Photographers : Adri Bootsma , Anneline Roffey , Ashraf Orrie , Nicole Hayes , Nolene Conrad ,
Sean Falconer , Stef Migliore , Sue Pullinger Courtesy : Cape Town Marathon , Carla Farina , Chantel Menziwa , Clipground . com , Debbie Fass , Faizel Jacobs , Jeff Ayliffe , Kyla Jacobs , Mindlo Mdhluli , Murray & Roberts Running Club , Nontu Mghabi , PUMA , René Kalmer , Shafeeqah Gordon , Siya Sokomani , Stuart Mann , Sue Ullyett , Under Armour , Worldsmarathons . com , Zelda Botha , and various running and humour websites
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