With the race being on the Saturday , that Friday evening my race pack was dropped by me , and I was shown how to tie my laces using the additional lacing holes on the shoes . I actually never knew ! Then I was told to take a 300ml Oros bottle filled with my cycling drinks and to avoid the Cokes given in the race . My coach also said when going downhill , to go slow with smaller steps to save my knees and to walk when I felt . Great tips here for any new runner .
I never ran a 5km or 10km race , nor did I even know the Two Oceans route , so I was oblivious to the time I would take , as well as the pain I will endure .
Undaunted by his painful running debut , Abbas now also tackles trail runs
To keep warm at the start , I was advised to take a black bag and cut out a hole for my head , and my arms . Also , another black bag cut at the base to make a skirt , like a sarong , which would also assist when needing to pray before the race … which I definitely would need to do ! In fact , I prayed most of that night , as I was fearing failure , giving up and wasting my coach ’ s time . I only slept about two hours .
I woke up with a fright , took a nice hot shower , rubbed my body full of Arnica Oil , and rubbed my knees with Deep Heat . Actually , I was so worried , I somma rubbed Deep Heat everywhere , even my groin , then had a bowl of Jungle Oats , two eggs , coffee , juice , yoghurt , muesli and a banana ! I also packed six Gus and four running bars in my arm warmers , and I was ready when I was collected by ‘ Coach ’ Thabiet Arend and his clique . I was not late !
Another enjoyable Two Oceans in 2018
We got to Newlands and it was noisy . Thousands of people , all shapes and sizes , a buzz unlike any , and smiles everywhere . I was seeded in batch E , the last 21km group to leave , but luckily I am tall , so I could see more or less where to go . There were so many people praying in a corner , so I joined them , but just then , I felt uncomfortable ... I needed the bathroom , but not to wee . Something was wrong ... It was the Deep Heat , and my groin was on fire ... I needed a medic ... and I thought , how am I gonna pull this off ?
I ran to the bathroom with my legs wide apart , like a cowboy on steroids , and found a m # erse long queue ... Jumping up and down , I didn ’ t know what to do . I needed water , and I needed it now ! In desperation , I took my drinks bottle and squirted it in my pants , and that brought some relief , but not enough . Just then I looked to my right and there was a prefab toilet with no queue . Yay , what a blessing , so I cowboy-jogged across , went inside , and wow , found a basin with a tap .
I looked around and there was no-one , so I removed the black bag around my waste , stripped my pants
off , then took the running water from the tap and splashed myself . What a relief ... but just then I hear “ What are you doing ?” It was a woman that came out of one of the cubicles behind me . It was a women ’ s toilet ! I got such a mo # rse fright , I just ran out of there .
but just then I hear “ What are you doing ?” It was a woman that came out of one of the cubicles behind me . It was a women ’ s toilet ! I got such a mo # rse fright , I just ran out of there .
Now that I was sorted , but with almost no time left , I walked to the fence where the start area was . There were lots more people , all standing against one another , unlike a cycling peloton start group , where the bikes keep you apart , so I was a bit uncomfortable . Also , I had almost no drink left in my bottle , and wet pants … I quickly took a GU , then I heard , “ E group ... 10 , 9 , 8 , 7 , 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 and KABOOM , a loud bang from a cannon .
When the race started , it was still dark – just the street lights lit up some of the place – but we were standing still . I stood for a while before the people started walking slowly . We walked , and walked , and we were still walking by the garage where we turned right towards the M3 . I asked myself , so this was the marathon that I was afraid of doing ? I then saw the 1km mark – cue a mini-celebration – and we were still walking ! Finally , we broke into a slow jog .
There were no crowds on the side of the road like in the Argus , but there were people everywhere ... on the pavements , both sides of the road , all moving together , lots of chatting , what a ‘ gees !’ At the 2km mark , another mini celebration , going up a slight incline I could jog a bit faster . Past the circle , I was feeling OK , then a left onto Wynberg Hill and I just saw a huge crowd of people in front of me , most jogging slowly and some walking . All shapes and sizes of people tackling the race – and on the incline , I was passing so many of them . How ? I ’ m not a runner !
Suddenly I felt a stabbing pain in my buttocks . Eina ! I look around and everyone is carrying on as per normal , so I carried on too , then another mini-celebration at the 3km mark , with another GU . Reaching the top of Wynberg Hill was really great ... it was still quite dark , and my butt was hurting , but going downhill was a bit easier and brought some relief . Then a mini-celebration at 4km , and I could see a sea of runners right down the long M3 .
Enjoying the cool weather in 2019