Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 142, June 2021 Issue 142, June 2021 | Page 44


Tackling the Timbavati Traverse www . timbavati . co . za

When the 2020 Comrades Marathon was cancelled , many ultra-runners found themselves with a lot of training in the legs and no race to use it in , so when the Comrades Marathon Association announced it would be holding a special Comrades Virtual Run on 14 June instead , many who had planned to run the real race signed up for the virtual . One of these runners was Kings Camp Assistant Manager and Head Guide at Timbavati Private Nature Reserve , Grant Murphy , who would have run his 16th consecutive Comrades that year .

Grant at the start of his epic solo bush run , being seen off by the Timbavati Private Nature Reserve ’ s K9 Conservation Unit
Given that a virtual run can be done anywhere in the world , Grant decided to run 91.7km – the distance of the Down Run from Pietermaritzburg to Durban – in the bush on the reserve . He also decided that he wanted his run to raise funds for two worthy causes that he is passionate about , the Timbavati Private Nature Reserve ’ s K9 Conservation Unit , and Umoya Khulula Wildlife Centre , and so ‘ Miles for Mammals ’ was born .
With a best Comrades time of 7:47:32 and nine Bill Rowan medals amongst his Comrades haul , Grant is no slouch , and in spite of running the whole distance on dirt roads with a lot of ups and downs , sometimes having to negotiate soft sand , he clocked an impressive 8:58 for his bush run . “ Although the run was gruelling , I feel this was nothing compared to what both the K9 unit and the wildlife rehabilitation
centre does on a daily basis ,” he said after the run . Amazingly , he managed to raise a grand total of R128,332 , with the money being split evenly between his two chosen beneficiaries .
Adventures in the Bush
Grant took up running in 2004 just to keep fit , but by 2005 had decided to step things up and attempt
the Comrades Marathon . In the same year , he began working as a guide in the Kruger National Park , so he had to adapt his training to his new work situation . In 2009 , Grant accepted a position in the Timbavati Private Nature Reserve and initially moved his training runs to a nearby airstrip , but once he started working at Kings Camp , he began running on the dirt roads on the property , with the wildlife .
Images : Chad Cocking
44 ISSUE 142 JUNE 2021 / www . modernathlete . co . za