Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 141, May 2021 May 2021 | Page 36

Live Well

Good Fats vs Bad Fats By Nick Robert

Fat is not just fat … there are actually good fats and bad fats , and knowing the difference is important to everybody .


always welcome the opportunity to explain something very important in the health and wellness segment , a topic of great importance to any individual that enjoys training and staying fit , and to the general consumer that needs the knowledge to understand the difference between bad fats vs good fats .
Saturated Fats
Saturated fats raise both high-density lipoprotein ( HDL ) levels – so-called “ good cholesterol ” – as well as low-density lipoprotein ( LDL ) levels – or “ bad cholesterol .” This may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and other major health problems , so foods containing this type of fat should not be removed from the diet , but should be consumed in moderation . Examples of foods which are a source of saturated fats include fatty meats and dairy products , such as butter , cheese , whole milk , cream and ice cream . Some vegetable oils , such as coconut , palm and palm kernel oil , also contain saturated fats .
Trans Fats
Trans fats , also called transunsaturated fatty acids , or trans-fatty acids , are more harmful , since they have a double effect : Not only do they increase LDL
(“ bad ”) cholesterol levels , but they also reduce the HDL (“ good ”) cholesterol levels . Trans fats are found in foods industrially made with vegetable oils , and are found in snacks and salty snacks such as potato chips , sticks , cookies , pizzas , margarine , cereal bars or hamburgers . These fats should be avoided .
Unsaturated Fats
Unsaturated fats are considered to be beneficial , since they can improve blood cholesterol levels , ease inflammation , stabilise heart rhythms , and they also play several other beneficial roles . There are two types of “ good ” unsaturated fats :
• Monounsaturated fats , which are found in high concentrations in olives , avocados , nuts ( such as almonds , hazelnuts , pecans ) and seeds ( such as pumpkin and sesame ).
• Polyunsaturated fats can be found in high concentrations in sunflower , soybean and flaxseed oils , walnuts , flax seeds and fatty fish . Among this kind of fats , Omega-3 Polyunsaturated fatty acids are considered essential for humans . Some of the health benefits related to these fatty acids are the prevention of macular degeneration , cardiovascular diseases , age-related mental decline and degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer ’ s and Parkinson ’ s diseases . They also seem to be important for pregnant women , due to the positive effect on the visual and cognitive development of the baby .
The bottom line is that knowing your good fats from your bad fats can have a marked effect on your health , fitness , performance and general wellbeing . All the more reason to read those labels on the foods you buy , and make sure you avoid the “ bad ” fats .
Nick Robert is a Durban-based fitness coach , nutritionist , life coach and wellness writer . He studied sports medicine and dietetics , and is owner and founder of both Rush Nutrition and East Coast Transformations . He believes in building clients both mentally and physically on their journey to self-improvement , and says that fitness is more than just training and nutrition , it evolves a person ’ s emotion and confidence , creating positive growth . You can find out more at https :// ectfit . co . za .

Workout Time

Get the Kettlebell and Go !

By Logan Coleman
Try this awesome kettlebell set for a great full body workout . I would suggest doing 15 reps of each exercise , and completing five full run-throughs of the set , straight after each other , for a really good workout ! ( You can do the drills individually , if you prefer – listen to your body and go with what works best for you .
• Stiff Leg Deadlift into Upright Row
• Alternating Kettlebell Swing
• Curl Press
• Sumo Squats
• Back Lunges
You can watch a video demonstrating the various drills here
Logan Coleman is the sole owner of Logan Coleman Fitness and says her mission is to help women achieve their goals through balanced eating plans as well as awesome training plans . She has a specialised nutrition qualification from Trifocus and has worked in a boutique gym . She believes in making plans simple to follow , delicious , and most importantly , to fit into one ’ s lifestyle . More about her at www . logancoleman . com .
36 ISSUE 141 140 MAY APRIL 2021 // www . . modernathlete . . co . . za