Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 141, May 2021 May 2021 | Page 22


45 Years of Passion for Running

The Sweat Shop is a specialist running store group , with stores in Johannesburg , Centurion and Cape Town . Passion has kept us going since we first opened in 1976 , and will continue to do so !
22 ISSUE 141 MAY 2021 / www . modernathlete . co . za

With more than 1000 races completed between them , including over 400 marathons and ultras , our team members have ‘ run the run ,’ and that allows them to ‘ walk the talk ’ when it comes to helping make the best buy for your own running . That ’ s the passion we speak of , as well as the knowledge , expertise and experience

And yet , our team members are not all the same … Some are

Meet the Team

We ’ d like to introduce you to some of the experienced members of our team , who will be on hand to help you in our various stores .
Jax Snyman
Dunkeld West store , Gauteng If you ’ ve ever popped into our Dunkeld West store on a weekend , this face may be a familiar one . Meet Jax , owner of The Sweat Shop , and long-time shoe guru . He took an interesting path into running – his first ever race was the Comrades Marathon , back in the days before qualifying was necessary , and that experience was enough to get him hooked on the sport . He later took the marathon distance most seriously , and recalls finishing fifth at a SA Marathon Champs event some years ago in Stellenbosch . He is passionate about running , footwear and people – so much so that he ’ s been in the industry for over 40 years !
Mikhail Petersen
Claremont store , Western Cape Mikhail is the manager of our Cape Town branch , and he ’ s been in the industry for a little over six years . He is highly knowledgeable when it comes to the construction of footwear and garments , having even made some of his own , and his vantage point is that he understands all types of footwear extremely well , so he has a fantastic brain to pick ! He ’ s easily approachable , whether for the simplest or most complex needs , and loves engaging with customers . Outside of the store , you may find him training for his next marathon , or playing football in his spare time .
Mthetho ‘ Jomo ’ Mntungwa
Dunkeld West store , Gauteng Meet Jomo , one of the friendliest faces you ’ ll meet . Jomo has been with the Dunkeld store for over 10 years , and prior to that he was a personal trainer . Some of his technical knowledge stems from his own running career , having posted some seriously impressive marathon and Comrades times in his racing days . Jomo is a huge asset to our team , and aside from his technical knowledge , he is amazingly patient and welcoming , so please look for him on your next visit to the store . elite runners , while others simply enjoy running for fitness ; some have high arches and others have wide feet . Because of this , we collectively know how different products suit different feet , and different biomechanics . Which is why we are beyond just a running store !
Our approach is customer-focused and service orientated , and our expert staff will spend one-on-one time with you to perform an appropriate analysis that allows us to help you find the gear that fits your needs .

Find Our Stores

We ’ d love for you to pop into one of our stores to see the full range that we stock , and take advantage of all the expertise on hand .
Address : 55 / 59 Van Buuren Road , Bedfordview , Johannesburg , Gauteng Tel : 011 450 2421 Email : craig . gornall @ thesweatshop . co . za
Address : 29 Vineyard Road , Claremont , Cape Town , Western Cape Tel : 021 671 5457 / 7872 Email : mikhail @ thesweatshop . co . za
Address : Shop 18 , Phase 2 , Broadacres Shopping Centre , Cnr Ceader Road and Valley Road , Fourways , Johannesburg , Gauteng Tel : 011 465 9180 / 2556 Email : gail @ thesweatshop . co . za
Address : Shop 34 , Dunkeld West Centre , Cnr Jan Smuts Avenue and Bompass Road , Dunkeld West , Johannesburg , Gauteng Tel : 011 325 2567 / 8 Email : craig @ thesweatshop . co . za
Address : Shop 50 , Southdowns Shopping Centre , Cnr John Voster and Karee Avenue , Irene , Centurion , Gauteng Tel : 012 665 0048 / 0291 Email : elvis @ thesweatshop . co . za
Order Online !
Go to https :// thesweatshop . co . za and check out all the latest models and items we have in stock . Bonus : Free shipping on orders over R500 !
Images : Courtesy The Sweat Shop & Asics