2 Clubs Close Ranks
COVID has brought greater focus and appreciation of clubs , particularly those that have embarked on replacing races with club runs . However , clubs continue to treat provincial and national bodies as a sub-contractor that supplies licenses and races , in exchange for being given free rein in a leadership role on the national and international stage .
It ’ s true that greater interaction exists between ASA and those athletes , coaches and managers with elite , high performance ambitions , but the latter have long since learnt that the same critical analysis and performance adjustment that delivers podium places , has no place in the administration of the sport . In stark contrast , any criticism , even when supplied with corrective suggestions , is more likely to attract retribution than be seen as a positive contribution . Similarly , too many good people , including dedicated club chairpersons , have been left to plough a lonely furrow in defence of good governance and integrity , and have eventually been beaten down , even vengefully cast aside .
It is under this cloud of mutual distrust and scepticism that we travel towards another Quadrennial General Meeting ( QGM ) in the short , but turbulent history of post-unification South African Athletics . Yet again the elections , or confirmation of power , shapes up to be as convoluted and intriguing as a block-busting episode of The Crown , perhaps even The Sopranos ! Constitutional mysteries , allegedly fake memberships and even death threats have already emerged in the media around certain candidates , and it begs the question as to how dirty this contest for power will become .
As Edmund Burke said , “ The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing .” The same principle applies here , and unless the running community puts apathy and lethargy aside , the ASA leadership we will have is the ASA we will have allowed to be voted into power . Just bemoaning the state of the sport on social media is meaningless in this discussion . Being aware of the constitutional process in properly evolving our judgement of candidates is our only hope of obtaining the best for the sport .
“ The same principle applies here , and unless the running community puts apathy and lethargy aside , the ASA leadership we will have is the ASA we will have allowed to be voted into power .”
Not less than 60 days prior ( 9 March 2021 done Feb 11 ) |
To CEO 45 days prior ( 24 March 2021 ) |
Provinces set up their council meeting |
Club / Provincial Nominations returned to CEO 30 days ( 7 April 2021 ) |
Compiled Nominations sent to provinces 21 days ( 16 April 2021 ) |
8 May 2021 |
Notice of QGM and Nomination forms sent out |
Agenda items , Proposals to change constitution |
Nomination forms received from 17 provinces and others |
Compiled Nomination forms ( with CV ) back to Provinces |
QGM Held with 3 voting sessions : & other agenda items |
• Provinces must distribute notice and nomination forms to clubs
• Proposals for Agenda Items submitted to CEO 24 March 2021
• Proposals for any change or bring Constitution in line with World Athletics submitted club to province to CEO by 24 March 2021
• Licensed members nominate ANY other licensed member
• Clubs compile and submit Province
• Province confirm standing of niminee and submit to ASA not later than 7 April 2021
• Province distributes final nomination list to clubs and members
• Club members determine who they want chair to vote for
• Province holds council meeting to vote on final nomination list
• Provincial reps MANDATED to vote as provincial clubs instruct
• Provincial views on other Agenda items , and mandate given
Provincial office gives clubs notice for Council meeting between 16 April - 1 May for mandating of provincial votes
Provincial Council Meeting for CLUBS to MANDATE provincial reps on how to vote :