Live Well
Biceps and Triceps
By Janice Pondicas
The importance of strengthening your lower body and core for running is obvious , but more often than not , runners avoid building upper body strength . This is a mistake , as a strong upper body will power you through tough workouts and races , while helping you maintain good form as you train to boost your endurance .
Images : Pexels
Swinging your arms back and forth while running allows your lower body to do less work . Pumping your arms while you move your legs in stride , keeps you upright , counterbalances your legs and helps your body transfer power from one side to the other . Therefore , with every foot strike , your arms save your legs energy by helping drive your body forward .
So , by developing strength in your arms , you will improve your arm-drive , so you can inject more power into your stride . Here are a few exercises for biceps and triceps , as demonstrated by one of my clients , Junita Baleson . She is 55 years old , is a keen runner , passionately believes in strength training , and clearly shows us that age is irrelevant when you put your mind to staying fit and healthy .
For this workout , warm up with 5 to 10 minutes of cardio . Then , during your workout , always focus on breathing and good form as you do two to three sets of 15 reps of each exercise .
1 Tricep Pull-down
Grab the bar and stand upright , with your back straight and your elbows tucked into your sides . Stand with your feet hip-width apart , or place one in front of the other if it helps you balance . Pull the cable down until the bar touches your thighs and pause to squeeze your triceps at the bottom of the move .
2 Seated Triceps Overhead
Bring the weight overhead , extending your arms straight so the dumbbell is above your head . Keeping everything from your shoulders to elbows still , slowly bend your elbows , lowering the weight behind your head until your arms are just lower than 90 degrees . Your elbows should point forward , not out to the side . Pause , then raise back to straight . That is one rep .
3 Skull Crushers
Grab a set of dumbbells and start by lying on your back with your knees bent . With one dumbbell in each hand , raise your arms so they are above your chest , making sure your elbows are straight but not locked . Slowly lower both arms toward your head , bending your elbows to 90 degrees as the dumbbells reach the mat . Aim to lower your dumbbells so they are on either side of your head , elbows bent and pressing in toward your head . Then lift your arms back to the starting position . This is one rep .
4 Tricep Kickbacks
Leaning with one hand on a bench , keeping your back straight , bend your dumbbell-holding arm 90 degrees at the elbow . Hinge at the elbow , lifting the dumbbell up and back and straighten your arm . Your triceps should stay still – only your elbow moves – then lower back to 90 degrees . That is one rep .
5 Alternating Hammer Curls
Stand with feet hip-width apart , holding dumbbells at your side
return your arms to the lower resting position . with your palms facing each other . Bend one elbow and squeeze your bicep to curl the weight towards your shoulder . Slowly lower the weight and repeat alternating arms .
6 Bicep Cable Curl
Stand comfortably with feet firmly placed on the floor . Brace your abs , straighten your back , and keep your head steady . Curl the cable weight up towards your chest , breathing out . Only your forearms should move . Hold at the top of the contraction for one second , then unbend the arms at the elbow to let the cable weight
7 Concentration Bicep Curl
Slowly curl the weight up , only moving your forearms – the position of your upper arm on your thigh will help you keep it still during the exercise . At the top of the move , pause for a beat and squeeze your biceps , then slowly lower the weight back to the starting position . Do all your reps on one arm , then switch to the other .
8 Static Plate Hold
To absolutely blast your biceps , combine dumbbell curls with an isometric / static hold . An isometric exercise is one that involves muscle engagement without movement . Hold the dumbbell or plate frozen in a fixed , bent arm ( 90-degree ) position for 30 to 60 seconds .
Janice Pondicas is a qualified personal trainer working out of the Virgin Active in Bedfordview , Johannesburg , and also counts long distance running , tennis coaching and fitness bikini competitions amongst her activities . She has run 40 marathon or ultramarathons , including eight Comrades Marathons . Her clients range in age from 20 to 65 , and many have had amazing transformations , both in weight-loss and improving overall health , thanks to her detailed training and nutrition plans . Catch up with her at www . fastforwardfitness . co . za .