Time to Reflect and Reconnect
During lockdown , I spent a lot of time reconnecting with God , strengthening my bond and relationship with Him . I realised that the most important relationship you can have in life is one with God , and I embraced it . I prayed more . I read my Bible more . I dug deep . I had to .
Although I live alone , and at times felt the loneliness , I was reminded of what is said in Hebrews 13:5 , “ Never will I leave you or forsake you .” God reminded me that I am never alone . Even if I was alone physically , He will always be with me spiritually . This was a wake-up call for me as a Christian . God was telling me that regardless of my present circumstances , I needed to keep up my faith and trust in Him . I had to walk by faith , and not by sight . As it says in John 20:29 , “ Blessed are those who have not seen , yet believe .”
I learnt that I never need to worry about tomorrow . I survived yesterday , today is a gift , and I have to live in the present . I can face tomorrow because God is at my side . He doesn ’ t give us what we can handle , he helps us to handle what we are given . Lockdown also taught me to thank God that I have a loving mother , loving partner , family , friends , a cosy home , a good job , food , running water and health . I have a wonderful church that I can attend freely . I am blessed , I am privileged , and grateful to be alive , because I have a lot more than most people … God just reminded me of my numerous blessings during lockdown .
Good People By Your Side
It has been said that no one will love you as much as your mother . This has been true my entire life , and my mom , aged 85 , is still my greatest pillar of support . I have always appreciated her and spent time with her . As we don ’ t live together , this lockdown taught me to cherish her even more . To make the visits even more special when we do see each other again . To spoil her more often .
Everything that I am , my mom helped me to be . She has supported me my entire life . In my relationships , in my job , in my running , in my choices . She has always been my number one fan . She has always been my rock , my angel , and God ’ s greatest blessing to me . Abraham Lincoln ’ s words about his mother sum up my feelings for my own mom : “ All that I am , or hoped to be … I owe it to my angel mother .” My mom continues to inspire me to be the best version of myself .
Another of my greatest blessings is my circle of close friends . It ’ s been said that a good friend knows all of your best stories , but a true friend has lived them with you . During lockdown , my true friends and loving partner checked up on me daily ,
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with phone calls and text messages . I thank each of them individually for their kindness , support , prayers and concern . For all the long chats , and for the laughs . Believe you me , there was many a day when I needed to laugh .
The saying that the best things in life are not things , but people who make you feel loved and cared for , is so true , and my life has been blessed with the most amazing people . These family and friends brightened up my lockdown days , and I thank each one for being part of my journey – both before and after lockdown . I couldn ’ t say it better than Aaron Trimble did : “ There is nothing better than the wind at your back , the sun in front of you , and a loved one beside you .”
Waiting for the Dawn
There is an African proverb that says that no matter how long the night is , the day is sure to come . This proverb is applicable to my experience of lockdown . I learnt that no matter how many dark nights I experienced , the day would eventually come that lockdown would end . I just had to remain positive , strong and courageous , focused on God , and His will and His plan for my life . For me . For my country . For the world .
Everyone had different experiences of lockdown , and we all coped differently . In stressful times , the unknown is frightening , but I redirected my challenging time to make it a time of growth , self-development and personal reflection , and I put my faith in God into practice , living one of my favourite Biblical verses : “ And so let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us .” ( Hebrews 12:1 ) This Confined Comrade did exactly that . For 35 days of lockdown .
Ed ’ s Note : Modern Athlete magazine does not favour any one faith or religion , and is publishing this piece because it speaks to all runners in these challenging times .
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