Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 136, December 2020 Issue 136, December 2020 | Page 19

( MIS ) ADVENTURES trail ( mis ) adventures by CARLA LEA FARINA


( MIS ) ADVENTURES trail ( mis ) adventures by CARLA LEA FARINA

Surviving the Rhino

The Rhino Peak Challenge is called a ‘ challenge ’ for a reason . It was one of the toughest runs I have ever done – OK , it was mainly a walk , but let ’ s call it a run , because that sounds cooler – and my legs still screaming at me a week later was proof of that !
Images : Rhino Peak Challenge & courtesy Carla Lea Farina

Let me explain how this epic adventure goes down . You are selected by the organisers to be an event ambassador , and once you have accepted , your challenge is to set out and raise funds for three amazing charities – Wildlife Act , Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife and the Endangered Wildlife Trust . The money mostly goes into conservation of Rhinos , Bearded Vultures and Cranes , all beautiful and iconic animals . And then once the funds have been raised , you jump into your car , drive to the Underberg , see the Rhino Peak , and realise just what you have gotten yourself into !

In previous years , the race started sometime between 7am and 8am , but this year , race director Spurgeon of Running Man Adventures told us at race briefing that he was very worried about the storm that had been forecast to come in at around midday , so we were required to be at the start at 5:45am . It was the most beautiful morning , though , with sun shining , warm and clear , my favourite race conditions .
We were divided into three teams , and I was in the Running Man Adventures team , which set off last around 6:20am . I was feeling great , because I love nothing more that running in beautiful conditions in beautiful settings . So , off I go with a smile on my face , full of confidence that I would be safely back , warm and dry , by the time the storm rolled in . Well , boy was I wrong !
Racing the Weather
At around 7:30am , I heard the growling of thunder roll in over the mountain . I felt one or two drops of rain and the wind started picking up , and within 10 minutes , the sky was black as night , the rain was pouring down , and due to the howling wind , the rain felt like blades hitting me in the face . At one point I decided to take cover behind a rock , but then I decided to ‘ man up ’ and press on .
Once at the gully , around 8km in , the frontrunners started passing us , on their way back down , so I congratulated them , only for them to tell me they had turned around because the wind and rain in the gully was too bad . I decided to push on a little and check it out for myself … the only thing in my mind being that I couldn ’ t wear the amazing hoodie they gave us if I didn ’ t finish !
When I got to the steepest part of the gully , the wind had died down a little and the sky had lightened , so I decided that it looked safe enough to push on . I had arrived at that point at just the right time , apparently . The climb to the peak was hard , but manageable . However , once at the very top , the wind was so strong , I was actually scared . Me … scared … Can you imagine ?
I gave my race number to Spurgeon , who literally looked like he was dying of hypothermia , and to a brave marshal who waited at the very top , and then had to save a brand-new cap given to me by a very good friend ( thanks , Angele ). I ran after it when the wind took it , and only just rescued it about 10cm from a cliff !
Extreme Conditions
Now it was time to head down , and the first bit before the gully was freezing , but easy running . However , things got a bit hair-raising once at the gully . Every time I stood upright , I got blown off my feet , so for the entire length of the gully , I pretty much ran in a squat-position , holding onto tufts of grass . It was a super-sore leg workout ! Also , my rain-jacket kept turning into a parachute , making it hard to stay on my feet . I am pretty used to falling over , but when your whole body aches from cold , it ’ s no fun landing on your face !
I eventually made it down in one piece and the rest of the journey home was lovely . One of the frontrunners who had turned around had decided to go back up , and he had caught me again , so we finished together . The weather had warmed up and we even crossed the finish line running .
I can confidently say I have never run in such terrifying conditions , and I felt pretty cool finishing , like I had really conquered something epic . Best of all , we ended up raising over R900,000 for the various charities . Thank you , Spurg , and everyone who helped to make this such an amazing , fun , challenging and unforgettable experience ! Oh , PS , just in case you thought I had improved on my directional abilities … As usual , I did an extra 2km after getting lost .
How much further to the top ?
After the gulley , the rest was easy
About the Author
While Carla ’ s ‘ day job ’ is Head Tennis Coach and Director of Tennis at Game Set Match Tennis in Johannesburg , her second love is trail running , which she tackles with an unquenchable thirst for adventure , a never-saydie attitude , and a healthy sense of humour about all the misadventures that befall her on the trails !