Live Well
Benefits of a Stronger Back and Chest
By Janice Pondicas
A stronger upper body will lead to health benefits in all aspects of your life , be it work , relaxation or going for a run . Here ’ s a simple but effective workout to help get you there .
In the past I would always neglect my upper body in terms of strength training
– in other words , I would head straight to the leg machines in the gym . Strengthening the quads , hamstrings , glutes , and core is vital for overall strength and health , and for injury-free running , so it makes sense that we gravitate towards squats , lunges and bridges . However , by adding even one or two days of upper body strength training to your weekly routine , you will positively impact your running , because having a strong upper body will make you a more efficient runner .
As your upper body strength increases , you will have better stabilisation and better posture . Slouching causes inefficiency in running , which is the last thing you want during a race or long run , and strong arms mean a powerful arm swing . With increased strength comes improved form , and better form could lead to improved times .
In this edition , I will share some of my favourite back and chest exercises , demonstrated in the video below by my client , Isidro Da Silva , and next month I will look at shoulders and arms . As always , do a 10-minute cardio warm-up before undertaking any weight training exercise .
1 Single-arm kettlebell swings
15 swings , repeat x 3 Strengthens your core , glutes , hamstrings quads , back , delts and arms . Improves balance and posture .
• Hold the kettlebell in your right hand and stand with your feet hip-width apart .
• Keep your shoulder blades down and back , and your core engaged , and hold the kettlebell in front of your body , between your legs .
• Hinge at the hips and swing the kettlebell up until your arm is parallel with the floor ( the power should come from your glutes and core ).
• Lower and repeat .
2 Push-ups
10 push-ups , repeat x 3
• Begin in a plank position with your arms beneath your shoulders , core engaged , and back flat .
• Lower down until your elbows are bent , then push back up to complete one rep .
• If need be , perform these on your knees .
3 Bent-over rows
12 rows each arm , repeat x 3
• Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell in each hand .
• Hinge forward at your hips , keep your back flat and core engaged , and let your arms extend down in front of you .
• Engage your shoulder blades and pull up the weights to your chest , pause , and then slowly lower to complete one rep . forehead on the mat , neck in a neutral position .
• Exhale as you slowly lift arms , legs , upper back and head off the floor . Keep arms and legs straight , but not locked , and your body should resemble a U-shape , with either side several inches off the floor .
• Hold for 5 seconds .
5 Lat pullover on stability ball
20 reps , repeat x 3 This strengthens your lats and core while challenging your stability .
• Hold a pair of dumbbells close to your chest and place your shoulder blades and head on top of the ball , with the rest of your body in a tabletop position . Feet should be hip distance apart .
• Raise dumbbells together straight above chest , palms facing in . Slowly lower arms behind the back of your head , keeping only a slight bend in your elbows .
• Squeeze your lats as you pull arms back to start position above chest .
6 Stability Ball Chest Press
12 reps , repeat x 3 While it is a move commonly done on a weight bench , adding a stability ball not only engages your upper body but your butt and hamstrings , too .
• With a pair of dumbbells , lie on a stability ball ( positioning it underneath your mid to upper back ). Keep your feet flat on the floor with your ankles directly under your knees .
• With your hips lifted , engage your core . Holding the dumbbells by your chest , palms facing forward , exhale as you press the weights toward the ceiling . Hold this position for a second .
• Slowly lower the weights back to the starting position , and repeat — use your abs to keep your body still .
4 Supermans
15 reps , repeat x 3
• Lie face down with arms and legs outstretched ,
Janice Pondicas is a qualified personal trainer works out of the Virgin Active in Bedfordview , Johannesburg , and also counts long distance running , tennis coaching and fitness bikini competitions amongst her activities . She has run 40 marathon or ultra-marathons , including eight Comrades Marathons . Her clients range in age from 20 to 65 , and many have had amazing transformations , both in weight-loss and improving overall health , thanks to her detailed training and nutrition plans . Catch up with her at www . fastforwardfitness . co . za .
Images : Janice Pondicas & Pexels
52 ISSUE 135 NOVEMBER 2020 / www . modernathlete . co . za