Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 135, November 2020 Nov 2020 | Page 35

9 October – En Route
11 October – Day 2 , Peak 2
10 October – Day 1 , Peak 1
11 October – En Route

A 9 Peaks Photo-diary

While busy with the # 9peakschallenge , Chi Ingledew and Terence Vrugtman posted regular updates on social media , along with stunning images he ’ d shot during each summit . These are some of the highlights .

9 October – En Route

Terence : The # 9peakschallenge has begun ! We started our trip with the long drive to Maitjiesfontein to meet our other two teammates . After a lovely dinner , I decided to try ‘ drift ’ the camper van , ‘ Aloha Wanderwell ,’ and burst a tyre ...

11 October – Day 2 , Peak 2

Murch Point ( Northern Cape )
( 3 hours 30 minutes , 16km , 500m of elevation gain )
Chi : A simple run in , scramble up , and run back down . Today ’ s run I shall remember as “ The Middle ,” a concept Terence and I spoke about as we ran . It ’ s not always about how you start or finish , but rather about the journey of the in-between moments of life . More being than doing , more giving than getting , more flowing than forcing . On that note , we are now on the road , living the simply mindful life from the comfort of a camper van , climbing mountains and sharing life with likeminded humans .
Terence : The easy-peasy Murch Point . Made easier by sweet farm hosts and sunny weather . 2 down , 7 to go .

10 October – Day 1 , Peak 1

Seweweekspoort ( Western Cape )
(+/ -7 hours , 8-10km , 1300m of elevation gain )
Seweweekspoort Chi : Gruelling climbs , technical terrain , rain and unplanned snow ! It took us about 7 hours . ( My watch paused , so I lost all stats , hence me being vague .)
Terence : Seweweekspoort played all the cards , but we still came out on top . What an incredible but unexpected start to our # 9peakschallenge . We started this morning at 10:35 , heading out on our “ quick and easy ” 8km run . After seven hours odd in the gnarliest snowstorm I ’ ve ever been in , we bottomed out at our camper van with some pretty big smiles and some pretty wet clothes .

11 October – En Route

Chi : In today ’ s society , we often chase things in an attempt to make us happy and to disguise the parts of our lives that we would prefer not to look at . Whatever we add on can only give us temporary happiness . But happiness is actually our natural state – no chasing or adding . If you want to be happy , you have to let go of what is not making you happy . And on that note , we are now on the road , # 9peakschallenge , living the simply mindful life from the comfort of a camper van , climbing mountains and sharing life with like-minded humans .