Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 133, September 2020 | Page 5

SA ' s Biggest Running Publication

Show Your Support for South Africa ’ s Only Remaining Monthly Running Mag

While more and more magazines , even entire publishing companies , are closing down in these uncertain times , Modern Athlete is the only remaining monthly running mag in South Africa , and we ’ re proud of that . But these are tough times for the media industry in general , and even more so for a niche magazine such as this .
For over 10 years we have brought you a FREE running publication every month . Now we are asking you to support your favourite running publication to help us get through this COVID-19 shutdown , which has put the brakes on just about all the advertising income we need to keep Modern Athlete running .
In recent times , most of the advertising featured in the mag has been event-related , but with all events postponed or cancelled until further notice due to the COVID-19 lockdown , we have been hit really hard in terms of lost revenue . And that ’ s why we need your support , please .
You can help us keep Modern Athlete coming out each month , by clicking the link below to show your support for SA ’ s biggest running publication .
Thank you ! Team Modern Athlete
We ’ d like to say a huge thank you to all who responded to our previous calls for financial help . Your support helped us to keep going thus far through the darkest months of the lockdown , and we are hugely grateful to every one of you !