SA's Biggest Running Publication
Show Your Support
for South Africa’s
Only Remaining
While more and
more magazines, even entire
publishing companies, are closing down
in these uncertain times, Modern Athlete is the
only remaining monthly running mag in South Africa,
and we’re proud of that. But these are tough times for
the media industry in general, and even more so for a niche
magazine such as this.
For over 10 years we have brought you a FREE running publication every
month. Now we are asking you to support your favourite running publication
to help us get through this COVID-19 shutdown, which has put the brakes on just
about all the advertising income we need to keep Modern Athlete running.
In recent times, most of the advertising featured in the mag has been event-related, but with
all events postponed or cancelled until further notice due to the COVID-19 lockdown, we have been
hit really hard in terms of lost revenue. And that’s why we need your support, please.
You can help us keep Modern Athlete coming out each month, by clicking the link below to
show your support for SA’s biggest running publication.
Thank you!
Team Modern Athlete
We’d like to say a huge thank you to all
who responded to our previous calls for
financial help. Your support helped us to
keep going thus far through the darkest
months of the lockdown, and we are
hugely grateful to every one of you!