Wish They Had
Told Me That!
Crossing over to trail from road running, or taking up trail running as a new sport can take some adjustments, and there are
surprises beyond the odd snake-spotting that you might want to factor in. For example, did you know that plants sometimes
fight back? Or that trail running can include ladders, ropes and chains? More importantly, that your road pace means sweet
nothing on a mountain run? A few trail gems shared their pearls of wisdom with us. – BY KIM STEPHENS
The term “trail running” is actually quite broad.
The textbook definition is pretty much anything
off tar. This could include jeep track running,
right through to arduous mountain scrambling. As
such, you will need to accept that pace and effort
are seldom comparable between routes of a similar
distance, so leave your ego at home.
• “A kilometre can take half an hour if it’s up a
mountain. Also, you don’t just need to know
how to run without falling, you need to be able
to swim, and rock climb.” – Heloise Hunter,
• “Trail running involves climbing up rocks. It
takes way more concentration than you expect,
and nimble steps with strong ankles.” – Mandy
Hart, Stellenbosch
• “A 20-something kilometre trail run cannot be
equated with a half marathon on tar. It’s more like
a marathon.” – Sean Falconer, Somerset West
Adaption is key, particularly when you venture out
on a new trail or route. Trail runners have a host of
clever tricks, learned through trial and (expensive)
error over the years, such as waterproof pouches for
phones, wet Buffs on your neck in the heat, ankle
strapping, basic first aid items, extra food… and you’ll
need these items when you least expect it. Weather
changes dramatically at the top of a mountain, so
prepare for all the unknowns. The list of prerequisite
kit for a race may seem both daunting and excessive,
• “Compulsory kit will come in useful one day. It
is not particularly for when you are running, it
is for when you can’t. Hopefully few will ever
experience it, but it can take a long, long time
to rescue someone off the mountain.” – Chris
Goldschmidt, Cape Town.
Trail running is full of plot twists, so keep your eyes
peeled and your navigation on point.
• “The early bird gets a face-full of spiderwebs.”
– Heloise Hunter, Durban
• “At the race briefing, when they say “follow the
orange tags,” they mean “follow the orange
tags” and not the person in front of you!”
– Tommy Gibson, Gauteng
• “Signage (at some events) can mean as little as
a dirt smear arrow on a rock, or a tied (snagged)
ribbon in a tree, so look hard.” – Kelly van der
Toorn, Cape Town
You’ll learn that training runs are more like adventures,
and the planned routes are a guideline, as trail runners
are prone to taking the day as it comes. In other
words, your trail running crew might lie to you, a little.
• “Whatever distance someone says they’re
going to run that day is just an idea. You could
run twice as far, or for twice as long!” – Mitch
Green, Cape Town
Gear is literally your make or break, so invest wisely
and ask experienced trail runners for advice before
you melt the credit card.
• “Trail runners speak more about shoes than the
Kardashians do.” – Kerry Red, Cape Town
• “Fynbos devours trail shoes.” – Alfred Thorpe,
Cape Town
• “You’ll need an annual trail shoe budget.”
– Dalene van Staden, Stellenbosch
There are also some secrets that will never simply be
shared, and you’ll need to earn your right to the inner
circle. Secret waterfalls and rockpools, hidden paths
or lessor known caves. Follow those in the know on
Instagram or STRAVA for hints, but you’ll have to
do your homework (and mapwork) to find the gems.
And there is no doubt that trail running changes your
perspective. One sunrise morning looking down at
cars rolling slowly in a long line of frustration towards
the city centre will validate your choice to choose
mountains. Keep choosing them, and happy trails!
• “There should be selfie prizes and view prizes as
part of the trail competition... because it seems
there is a great deal of running time spent on
that, and stunning pics come off those trails.”
– Cheryl Sadie, Cape Town
• “Trail running changes the way you look at the
world. Mountains no longer look intimidating,
but rather, opportunities.” – Chris Goldschmidt,
Cape Town
• “It’s addictive!” – Pamela Paton, Port Elizabeth
Credit to Wildrunner
This article first appeared in the regular
newsletter sent out by Wildrunner, a Cape-based
events company specialising in trail running
events, including the popular Trail Series Super
League and the Mountain Challenge Series.
More info at www.trailseries.co.za or
www.mountainchallenge.co.za, or you can visit
Images: Michele Risoli & courtesy Dale Herrin & Judith Le Clercq
ISSUE 132 JULY 2020 / www.modernathlete.co.za