Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 131, June 2020 June 2020 | Page 39
cut it. They are the reason for my
existence. The reason for who I am
today. The reason I am here today,
able to write about this.
By Anel Oosthuizen
During this whole pandemic/lockdown/quarantine period, I have
had lots of time to reminiscence on what we now think of as ‘the
good old days’. It made me think how rarely we truly appreciated
something as simple as freedom to train. I never thought I’d
be told that I am not allowed to train! There were other simple
things suddenly taken away, such as going to visit family, or
seeing friends. We are in a whole new world, where everything
has changed, and that has made me be grateful for what I have!
While searching for photos, I realised
how few photos I actually have of them
at a race with me, as they are usually
the ones taking all the action pictures,
shouting their lungs out and clapping
their hands blue. (Yes, that has literally
happened, but that’s a story for another
day!) They have been with me through
it all… celebrating with me, crying with
me, and keeping me grounded. My
parents are also my greatest motivators,
and the reason I did not give up during
my toughest race to date...
I remember it like yesterday, almost like watching it in slow-motion, seeing them
clapping and cheering next to the very hot track in Rio De Janeiro at the 2016
Olympics Games. They had this huge banner with my name and picture, and it was
the most emotional sight as I passed them, locking eyes with my mom as I was
feeling like I could just stop right there. She spoke to me with just one look, and it
kept me going the rest of the race. Then my dad’s hug at the end of the race, with
not a drop of disappointment on his face as he said, “You are an Olympian.” That
memory still gives me goose-bumps, and I am in awe of their support, no matter
what I decide to do.
Always There Supporting
I have been race walking since I was about 10 years old, and since then my dad
was has been with me on the bike, next to me in every training session. If he was
not on the bike, my mom was standing next to the grass track six o’clock at night,
in the shivering cold, watching me train. And this while still having to go make
supper and run a normal household
after that. This was the norm for most
of my primary and high school years.
How they did it? I don’t know. And
I cannot even start to comprehend
how much sacrifice they have made
through the years to support me,
and help get me where I am today.
When I think back now, I realise how
absolutely blessed I have been, and
still am, to have such an incredible,
steady support network surrounding
me. Thank you, Mom and Dad!
Q&A with Mom and Dad:
AO: Tell me honestly, did you ever think I would go to the Olympics one day?
Mom: No, not at the beginning of your sport career.
Dad: Yes, I hoped so.
AO: How many hours do you think you spent on the bike or next to the track?
Mom: A lot!
Dad: About 3000 hours.
Images: Courtesy Anel Oosthuizen
One of the things that I saw through social media these past few months
is how everyone is missing visiting family and friends, especially visiting
parents and grandparents, and how emotionally draining it has been for
everyone. It made me realise once again how we must never take anything for
granted. The smallest thing, like a visit to your parents’ house, can be taken away
in an instant.
Just Not Enough
I have always been majorly grateful for my mom and dad, but I don’t think I’ve said
it nearly enough! (Yes, this is one of those ‘Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah’s couch’
moments!) Mother’s Day and Father’s Day have past, and that is when we normally
say thank you to them for all that they have done for us, but in my opinion I don’t
think that is enough. Not even close.
What I experienced through my childhood, the sacrifices they made for me, the
time that they spent on me... No, one day of showing appreciation just doesn’t
AO: Where do you think I got my ‘sporty’ genes from?
Mom: I have no idea.
Dad: Definitely my side.
AO: At a guess, how many pairs of shoes do you think you bought me
while I was still in school?
Mom: Too many to count, but it was a long search for each pair. That’s all I
Dad: I don’t know, we never counted.
AO: Amongst my wins that you watched, which is your favourite?
Mom: SA’s in Durban, when you were in high school. Such a good race!
Dad: Definitely Durban! I remember leaving the video camera and forgot to
record, because it was such a close win.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Race Walker Anel Oosthuizen is a multiple SA
Champion and Record Holder, and represented SA in the women’s 20km at the
2016 Rio Olympics.