Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 131, June 2020 June 2020 | Page 11
2021, but this is still to be negotiated with the City of
Another major expense is that of the race T-shirts and
goody bags. Due to the scale of the Comrades, the
costs for the race shirt and goody bag had already
been incurred before the event was in jeopardy. As
for whether they are fully sponsored or not, Cheryl
provided the following clarification: “The CMA pays
for goody bags. Prior to impact of COVID-19 and if
race had gone ahead race T-shirts would have been
sponsored by Mr Price. However, as a consequence
of race cancellation, the CMA is having to contribute
half of the cost.”
The CMA was quick to point out that the value of
the goody bag exceeds the R600 entry fee, but the
promise of a shirt and goody bag did little to placate
the irate athletes, many of whom said that they would
not wear the shirt of a race that they had not run. (On
that note, 2020 Entrants that do not want their goody
bag can notify [email protected] and their shirt and
contents will be donated to a local charity.)
Checking the Income Statements
Comrades has two primary means of income: Entry
fees and sponsorship. With the race being cancelled,
the CMA receives only a portion of the sponsorship
funds. Race sponsors are losing out on the majority of
the exposure that their brands would have received,
and are perfectly within their rights to hold back a
significant percentage of the promised funds.
As a registered Non-Profit Organisation, the CMA’s
financials are freely available. Last year there was
a modest R753,000 surplus, but a substantial loss
totalling R3.3 million was incurred over the preceding
two years. This deficit was largely due to the loss
of a headline sponsor, and an incorrect 20-year-old
accounting decision that VAT payments were not
required on international entries, which resulted in
a large back-payment to SARS after a voluntary
disclosure when it was detected by the CMA Board
Finance Committee.
The CMA can hardly be accused of squandering
money. Over the last few years, they have operated
under what were essentially austerity measures,
delaying ‘optional expenditure’ like building
maintenance costs and the filling of two staff
vacancies. Winn described the CMA’s financial
situation as being “comfortably solvent” before the
COVID-19 pandemic. As such, the long overdue
building maintenance was finally completed and
two vacancies filled in the first quarter of 2020.
Unfortunately, these expenses have placed further
pressure on the 2020 financials.
Breakdown in Communication
Where the CMA has perhaps been lacking is in
regular, open and transparent communication. Many
of the misconceptions, misunderstandings and
negative sentiment could have been avoided with
better and more frequent communication to the
entrants. This was further exposed when a poorly
timed Virtual Comrades Race announcement, with
5km, 10km, 21km, 45km and 90km options, was
made a few days after the race cancellation. The
press release stated that this was free to all 2020
Comrades entrants, but there would be a R150 entry
fee for everyone else.
However, the social media promotional posts
neglected to mention the “free to existing 2020
entrants” clause, which resulted in a fresh social
media furore that “Comrades is all about the money,”
and “I can’t believe they’re trying to fleece us again.”
Nevertheless, the first entrant to sign up for Race the
Comrades Legends was Louis Massyn, who would
have been aiming for a record 48th consecutive
Comrades medal in 2020. And in the end, this virtual
challenge attracted some 43,000 entries across the
five available distances.
Meanwhile, a detailed “Open Letter to Comrades
Marathon Runners” was sent out a week after the
race cancellation from the desk of CMA chairperson
Cheryl Winn. This did an excellent job of explaining
the financial position and why refunds could not be
provided. However, one could not help but think that
sending out this communication before the formal
cancellation, or at the time of the announcement,
would have gone a long way to avoiding the resultant
Probably the most pertinent information for the
aggrieved runner was at the end of the letter: That
the intention, if financially and legally possible, is that
2020 entrants will be given substantially discounted
preferential entries for the 2021 Comrades Marathon
Centenary Race.
Ethics of Substitutions
Keeping the substitution entries open after the
COVID-19 lockdown without explicitly clarifying the
refund policy appeared to be, at best, unethical, and
at worst, totally unscrupulous. However, digging
deeper it appears that is was more an unwillingness or
inability to adapt to the radically changed landscape
that COVID-19 presented.
According to Winn, “It was an unfortunate
coincidence that could never have been foreseen
that the substitution period, which had been cast in
stone in October 2019, happened to coincide with
the onslaught of COVID-19. The CMA did nothing to
actively entice runners to take up substitutions and it
was simply a facility that was available, and to which
485 runners chose willingly to avail themselves.”
Unfortunately, this lack of accountability is like the
wicked witch throwing up her hands, claiming it’s
not her fault that Hansel and Gretel were enticed to
enter her gingerbread house. However, in the CMA’s
defence, keeping substitutions open was more illconceived
than greedy, as the additional revenue from
the 495 substitution entries is marginal in the bigger
picture (around R100,000 from the R200 per runner
substitution fee).
Special Treatment for Internationals
The final charge levelled against the CMA was their
decision to defer international entries whilst loyal
South Africans were ‘shown the middle finger.’
International entrants are a minority of the field and,
having paid over six times the local entrance fee,
have bought themselves a ‘business class ticket’
to the event. This entitles them to a little extra
legroom, and keep in mind that the income from
international entries helps to subsidise the cost of
local entries.
The Bottom Line
As to whether or not the CMA expects to have a
funding surplus or deficit at the end of 2020, Winn
responded, “Unless we are able to secure COVID-19
relief funding from the government, for which we are
in the process of applying, we will most definitely
reflect a deficit for the year.”
There are no winners in the COVID-19 pandemic.
Communication and transparency from the CMA
in the lead-up to the cancellation announcement
definitely left a lot to be desired. However, looking at
the facts and figures, one cannot fault their decisionmaking.
The CMA has come up with the best possible
lose-lose scenario. Your R600 entry fee is not making
anyone rich, and while there are a lot of South
Africans who could use an extra R600 during the
pandemic, securing the long-term future of the world’s
greatest ultra-marathon is more important.