Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 130, May 2020 | Page 7
Tell Us What YOU Want
Virtual race and challenges have become the new
‘normal’ in running, due to the COVID-19 pandemic
and national lockdown, which has seen all mass
participation events cancelled or postponed until further
notice, including all running, walking, cycling, swimming
and multisport races and fun events.
Many events, organisers and clubs are now launching
virtual challenges to fill the hole left in our lives, but are
these virtual challenges hitting the right spot with you?
This is your chance to tell us what you think, including…
• Have you entered or signed up for any virtual challenges?
• What kind of virtual challenges excite you?
• Will you pay to participate in a virtual challenge?
• Are you drawn to enter if there are prizes on offer?
• Are you suffering ‘virtual fatigue’ yet?
Letting us know what you think will help us and our partners to create
events you will want to be part of!
What I
SA's Biggest Running Publication