Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 107, June 2018 | Page 19

This year I was part of the Modern Athlete team at the Expo. We handed out free copies of the newest issue hot off the press, we took hundreds of free 2018 memento pics with varying backgrounds which could be downloaded from the MA Facebook page, and I dished out encouragement and high fives for race day while posing for ‘selfies’ with our fantastic readers. I also roamed the expo and filmed Editor Sean Falconer as he interviewed running celebs like Nolene Conrad, Rene Kalmer, Louis Massyn, etc, and I saw all the hard work that goes into each edition of Modern Athlete, both in magazine form and to keep the online platforms relevant and up-to-date. PJ’S PIECE By PJ Moses EXPOSED TO THE EXPO T Running and writing have many similarities, the chief one being that most of the work is done when nobody is watching. The winners are seldom seen training on a deserted road during the dark hours of countless early mornings, or spending time in the gym. People only see the moments of glory. The same can be said about your favourite magazine. Nobody sees what goes into the production of it, the hours spent forming ideas for articles and columns, or chasing down potential subjects to interview for feature pieces, researching their stories and sourcing pics, or banging your head on a keyboard when you just can’t seem to get the flow right as a deadline is looming large… his month we have the Comrades Marathon and its Expo, which made me think about the recent Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon Expo, where I saw the other side of the Expo for the first time. The Two Oceans is not just the most beautiful race in the world, it’s also one of the biggest events in the Mother City, with three days of Expo at the Cape Town International Convention Centre starting the annual running festivities. Thousands of visitors walk through the doors each day, looking at the newest innovations and trends in the world of running, including running shoes and what to eat before, during and after your race. You don’t stop. Neither should your supplement ENERGY • Amino acids Next time you see a great sporting performance, read a good article or enjoy a fantastic video interview, please take a moment to appreciate the dedication of those who put their soul into producing it. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: PJ is a former Cape Flats gangster who took up running, and writing about it, when he turned his back on that dangerous lifestyle in order to set a better example for his two young sons. One supplement Endless Possibilities WELL-BEING • Antioxidants DEFENCE • B-Complex vitamins MENTAL VITALITY • Other vitamins & minerals Reference: 1. Mahan, L.K. et al. Krause’s Food and the Nutrition Care Process. 13th edition. United States of America. Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. 2012. ENERGY: p516. DEFENCE: p88, 516. MENTAL VITALITY: p961-962. Proprietary name (and dosage form): StaminoGro ® Tablets. Composition: Each tablet contains: 187,5 mg L-Arginine, 150 mg L-Glutamine, 75 mg Glycine, 50 mg L-Lysine, 45 mg L-Ornithine, 450 µg Beta-carotene, 5 mg Lipoic Acid, 15 µg Selenium (AAC), 75 mg Vitamin C, 5 IU Vitamin E, 5,62 mg Zinc, 125 µg Folic Acid, 0,75 mg Vitamin B1, 1,25 mg Vitamin B2, 6 mg Vitamin B3, 6 mg Vitamin B5, 6 mg Vitamin B6, 6 µg Vitamin B12, 100 mg Calcium, 75 IU Vitamin D3, 20 µg Biotin, 4,1 mg Choline, 500 µg Copper (AAC), 60 mg Magnesium, 1 mg Manganese. Name and business address: iNova Pharmaceuticals (Pty) Ltd Co. Reg. No. 1952/001640/07, 15E Riley Road, Bedfordview. Tel. No. 011 087 0000. Further information available on request from iNova Pharmaceuticals. IN470/18 19