Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 107, June 2018 | Page 17

ADVERTORIAL Spreading the #runclean Message Modern Athlete’s #runclean Campaign is part of a growing effort to stop runners littering during races, as this problem has become one of the most prominent talking points in South African running circles. We invite readers to send in ideas and feedback to [email protected], and these are just some of the mails received. GREAT REFILL PLAN… As we were driving back from Loskop Dam to Middleburg the day after the Loskop Ultra, we noticed loads of water sachets still on the route. This boggles my mind… Even after the organisers had put out more than enough bins and boxes where runners could dispose of these sachets, the runners still just dropped their sachets and cups on the road, regardless of all the media around #runclean. During this trip my friend mentioned that maybe more runners should run with a water bottle or pack. She mentioned that at Two Oceans they had water tables where water was supplied in large drums with several taps, where runners could fill up. Not only was the water cold, but also very easy accessible. What a brilliant idea! Now I won’t suggest getting rid of cups and sachets altogether – I do realise that the elite athletes won’t have time to stop and refill – but having these drums, especially on these long races, will work a charm. So let us try get sponsors on board for these races to supply bottles, which could even be branded, to each runner. – Marna Grobler, via e-mail This keeps coming up in running conversations around the country, so clearly there are a lot of race organisers, or water table co- ordinators, who are not getting the message. I think each running province needs to ensure that proper instructions are sent to all event organisers on this important aspect of trying to address the litter problem, and clubs must in turn make sure that each water table is properly set up. – Ed. PUT IT IN YOUR POCKET… I have been a licensed runner for over 25 years and ashamedly admit to littering when I first started running. However, for the last 10 years of my running career, I came up with a plan, whereby my wife sews my annual license number onto my vest in a way that the top of the front license number is left open as a pouch, and that solves the problem, as I put the empty sachets into the pouch and dispose of them at the end of the run. The refill stations at Two Oceans were part of the #ICarryMyOwn campaign launched in the Western Cape with support from FuelBelt, as well as Modern Athlete and #runclean. Glad to hear it made such a good impression! – Ed. BETTER BIN PLACEMENT… As a runner who is committed to ‘think before I throw,’ I find it quite difficult when there are not enough bins placed at a water point, or worse, the bin is placed almost immediately after you have collected your sachet or cup, and you haven’t had a chance to drink it before you’ve passed all the bins. Please could organisers bear this in mind when placing bins, to continue to enabl e runners to #runclean? – Cath Vaughan, via e-mail In the light of the war on disposing of plastics in this modern world, and supporting a clean environment as well as the #runclean campaign, maybe this idea could be passed on to the numerous running clubs and runners reading the magazine. – Greg Anderson, Hillcrest This is an old trick – I learnt it more than 20 years ago when I started running – but it never hurts to pass it on again, as there are always new runners coming into the sport. – Ed. Think before you throw – #runclean FREE Bins for Registered Races To register an event, go to or sign up via the link on Please note that races must apply for bins 60 days before race day to allow for processing of applications and despatch of sponsored bins and liners. A s part of the Modern Athlete #runclean campaign, Garbie (East Rand Plastics) is providing FREE fold-up cardboard bins and plastic bin liners to any running or walking event held in South Africa that registers as a #runclean event. To qualify, events must put the #runclean and Garbie logos on their entry form and website, and must promote the #runclean message pre-race and at their event. Once an event is registered and approved, Garbie will arrange the free delivery of the bins, liners and bags, while Modern Athlete will promote the event as a #runclean event. Garbie is the household name for refuse bags and available all leading retail stores, so please support the company that supports runners and is helping us to #runclean. 17