Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 107, June 2018 | Page 11

KALMER’S CORNER Our Modern Athlete Brand Ambassador’s Blog By Rene Kalmer BOSTON STRONG The Boston Marathon has a special place in my heart ever since I took part in 2013, which was the same year as the Boston bombings, and it was an emotional experience watching the 122 nd edition of the race. M onday 16 April was just a normal work day for us in SA, but in the USA they celebrated Patriots Day and ‘Marathon Monday.’ In the spirit of the Boston Marathon, Andre and I decided to watch the movie Patriots Day, about the two bombs that went off close to the finish line on the 15th of April 2013, killing three and injuring hundreds. Twenty minutes into the movie a sea of emotions exploded in me. I still can’t comprehend the fact that someone was planning a bomb attack while we were wandering the streets of Boston prior to the marathon. That day I wobbled the last 14km to the finish after I pulled my calf 28km into the race, and I still believe this injury was a lifesaver, as I had a physio appointment in the hotel 200m from the finish line. My appointment was at 3pm, and the bombs exploded just before 3pm, while we were inside the hotel having lunch, instead of walking to the hotel. What followed next were like hysterical scenes out of a disaster movie, and I was truly grateful that Andre had accompanied