Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 102, January 2018 | Page 30

MULTISPORT didn’t think there was anything seriously wrong with me. And alcohol thins the blood as well, doesn’t it? Long walks helped the healing process I flew home on Monday, taking my Aspirin, compression sleeves on my calves, keeping my legs and feet moving. I was feeling slightly nervous. Thoughts were rushing around my head: “What happens if you have a blood clot and you fly? Is there a doctor on the plane?” But I kept reminding myself that I had just raced a Half Ironman, so surely I would be fine. After landing I went straight to the radiology department at the Medi-Clinic, but with no referral letter, they wouldn’t do an ultrasound. But what if I die, I asked jokingly… little did I know how close to the truth that was! Anyway, I booked a doctor’s appointment for the following morning, and he said yes, chlorine could have affected my chest, but it wouldn’t explain my leg, so bloods were taken and marked urgent. Within two hours the doctor called to say my results were back: The test