Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 101, December 2017 | Page 18


Sticking with the


Although now an experienced triathlete with multiple Ironman medals , Warren Thomas stays a member of the beginner-oriented programme because he says it ’ s a great way to train for the big races . – INTERVIEW BY SEAN FALCONER
MA : Please start by telling us about your sporting background , and how you got into triathlons .
WT : I dabbled in soccer , rugby , cricket , and did a bit of weights , but nothing serious or competitive , and instead , I put on weight . By 2012 I weighed 120kg with a 38cm waist , so in 2014 I made a mental shift – I entered a few short running races up to 10km , did a 19km Warrior obstacle race , then entered my first 21km . Those all went well , so I entered my first sprint tri in Germiston . To be honest , I was shocked that you can do all three disciplines together and still do well . ( Warren now weighs 85kg with a 30cm waist – Ed .)
MA : What made you join Dare to Tri ( DTT ) in 2015 ? WT : A friend , Carli , had done the full Ironman through DTT , and another friend , Ryan , had also done the full , and I thought let ’ s give it a try as well . I had still only done one sprint tri , so I thought let me try a 70.3 and see how I go . I found an awesome team vibe and support system of like-minded athletes at DTT .
MA : You did your first Ironman 70.3 in Buffalo City in 2016 , finishing in 6:37 . Tell us about the experience .
WT : There is no better place to step up to 70.3 than EL , as the community support on the road is just incredible . My goal was just to finish , and in most of my pics there is a smile on my face , because I was having such a great time out there !
MA : You went on to do the 2016 Ironman as well , finishing in 14:32 … WT : I was also training to do Comrades , so it was a tough day out for me . My goal was again just to finish , but I had some challenges . A bee stung me on my head after flying into my helmet , then a guy fell on me after we both stopped at the halfway refreshment station of the bike . I only discovered later that my front break was pushed up against the wheel in the fall , hence the second half was so much harder ! Then ITB struck during the run leg … but I still finished with a huge smile .
MA : This year you ’ ve really excelled : First DTT athlete home at 70.3 Buffalo City in 5:59 , first at Ironman PE in 12:34 , and first at 70.3 Durban in 5:18 , just two weeks after finishing your first Comrades in 9:05 . Quite some year !
WT : Thanks ! In Buffalo City the ITB problem had cleared up , so I went there with a sub-6 goal , and came home in 5:59:09 . In PE I must admit that I made a rookie error … I changed my nutrition on race day , after buying energy bars at the Expo . Unfortunately , they did nothing for me , and the halfway point of the bike , I had to stop at a food station and pile in bananas and energy gels . I battled in the run , surviving from one food station to the next .
After that , Comrades went better than I expected . Triathletes tend to be more focused on nutrition , especially during races , and I saw that in Comrades as runners around me caved in . I recovered quickly , and two weeks later I was back in Durban for the 70.3 , even though it was not originally part of the plan . The swim was good , the bike was tougher than people had said , not quite as flat , but the run was one of my best ever .
MA : So what is next for you ? WT : I just want to try improve my times , but I am going for my Comrades Back2Back medal in 2018 and Durban 70.3 is a week before Comrades , so I will have to skip that . My results are getting better and I ’ m moving up the age rankings , so maybe I can even get a podium in 2018 !
MA : And you ’ re going to stick with DTT ? WT : What I appreciate most is that it allows you flexibility to train in your own time . We all have busy schedules , but with DTT you know what you need to get done , and then have great coached weekend training sessions , ongoing support , people sharing advice and stories , and you get to see the smiles on faces as they hit their targets . It ’ s an awesome programme .
Sign up for DTT Today !
The season is underway , but you are still able to join the DARE TO TRI programme , which is an affordable and manageable training programme that fits in with your family / social and work commitments . You will receive personalised coaching and can join coached weekend group training sessions . You cannot get this level of coaching at this cost anywhere else ! To sign up , go to https :// daretotri . canbook . me / dtt-2017 .
Images : Courtesy Warren Thomas
18 ISSUE 101 DECEMBER 2017 / www . modernathlete . co . za