Modern Athlete Magazine 172 September 2024 | Page 60


HYROX is Here !

With the Cape Town HYROX Race coming up on 21 September at the CTICC , there is still time to sign up to join the exciting ‘ World Series of Fitness Racing .’ – BY CAMERON CLEAVER , HYROX ATHLETE & BRAND AMBASSADOR

Time to get nervous ? Or time to get excited ? Perhaps a bit of both ? Whatever you ’ re feeling about it , HYROX , a . k . a . The World Series of Fitness Racing , is here , and the HYROX fitness community is buzzing with excitement for the fast-paced environment that is HYROX racing . Whether you have entered as Singles , Doubles or a Relay team , HYROX is for everyone , with around 2500 athletes looking to lace up later this month . The vibe inside the CTICC will be electric , from the noise of the spectators , the nervous energy of the athletes , to the MC and DJs creating a festival-like atmosphere , so this is one fitness event not to be missed !

In terms of training for HYROX Cape Town , some athletes will still be working on their fitness , while others will be starting to decrease their training workload and taper for peak performance on the day . The best thing about HYROX is community , and the You vs You support you feel from competing in this race . The best advice I can give you in terms of training , supplements and diet is don ’ t change anything
other than your workload . Get some good sleep and recovery time leading up to the event , and make sure you are taking in enough carbs for the race ( bearing in mind that most competitors will be on the course for around 90 minutes ). Therefore , lessen distances , lighten the weights , and work on mobility and speed .
I can ’ t stress enough that you should familiarise yourself with the rulebook , so that there aren ’ t any nasty surprises or penalties on the day . Athletes will be briefed in full on race day , but it ’ s good to know the do ’ s and don ’ ts before you line up ! But most importantly , get out there and have fun . Statistically , finishing times improve for all athletes the more they race , so basically , it ’ s about putting a marker in the sand , setting a time , and gaining valuable experience for future races in terms of better pacing , improved preparation and figuring out your weaknesses on the course .
Tick Tock , see you on the start line …

HYROX Engine Builder Part 2 ( 4 Weeks )

Note : AMRAP = as many rounds as possible
In recent columns , I introduced you to entry-level training for HYROX , in a four-week training programme called the Engine Builder . This month , since you ’ re tapering your training ahead of competition day , I have gone back to that basic programme , but with a few tweaks .
Monday – Fast & Explosive
• Warm-up : 5min Treadmill
• Ski Erg 300m – 4 sets , with 1min rest ( 10min time cap )
• Burpee Broad Jumps x 10 ; Sandbag Lunges x 10 per leg ( 8min AMRAP )
• Row 300m – 4 sets , with 1min rest ( 10min time cap )
• Farmers Carry 40m ; Wallballs x 15 ( 8min AMRAP )
• Sled Push 20m ; Sled Pull 20m ( 8min AMRAP )
Tuesday – Road Running *
• Running options or as currently training
Wednesday – Slow & Heavy
• Warm-up : 5min Treadmill
• Ski Erg 1000m – 70 % max effort ( 6min time cap )
• Burpee Broad Jumps x 10 ; Sandbag Lunges x 10 per leg ( 10min AMRAP )
• Row 1000m – 70 % max effort ( 6min time cap )
• Farmers Carry 100m ; Wallballs x 20 ( 10min AMRAP )
• Sled Push 20m ; Sled Pull 20m ( 8min AMRAP )
Thursday – Interval Running
• Running options or as currently training
Friday – Fast & Explosive
• Warm-up : 5min Treadmill
• Ski Erg 300m – 4 sets , with 1min rest ( 10min time cap )
• Burpee Broad Jumps x 10 ; Sandbag Lunges x 10 per leg ( 8min AMRAP )
• Row 300m – 4 sets , with 1min rest ( 10min time cap )
• Farmers Carry 40m ; Wallballs x 15 ( 8min AMRAP )
• Sled Push 20m ; Sled Pull 20m ( 8min AMRAP )
Saturday – Long Run *
• Running options or as currently training
Look out for more training programmes and advice in coming editions of Modern Athlete .
Images : Justin Craythorne & courtesy HYROX
60 ISSUE 172 | www . modernathlete . co . za
Global partners of HYROX are PUMA for merchandise and footwear , Red Bull as energy drink partner , and the equipment used is from Centr Fitness .