Prioritise Plyometrics By Jurgens Grobler
Plyometric training will enhance your running performance and reduce your risk of injury , so here ’ s everything you need to know to get all the benefit s of plyometrics .
Plyometric training , often referred to as “ jump training ,” is increasingly recognised as a vital component for runners aiming to improve their speed , agility and overall performance . This article delves into the mechanics of plyometrics , its benefits , and how to effectively integrate these exercises into a running regimen , catering to all levels of running , from beginners to advanced athletes .
Understanding Plyometrics
Plyometric exercises involve explosive movements that engage fast-twitch muscle fibres , which are crucial for generating power and speed . The core principle of plyometrics is the stretch-shortening cycle , where muscles are rapidly stretched and then contracted , allowing for greater force production in a shorter timeframe . This dynamic training method not only enhances muscle power , but also improves running economy , enabling runners to maintain speed with less energy expenditure .
The Benefits
Incorporating plyometric training into a running programme offers numerous advantages :
• Increased Power and Speed : Plyometrics enhance the ability to generate force quickly , which is essential for sprinting and acceleration during races .
• Improved Running Economy : By optimising muscle efficiency , plyometric training helps runners burn less energy per stride , allowing for longer distances at higher speeds .
• Enhanced Agility and Balance : Many plyometric exercises involve lateral movements that improve coordination and stability , crucial for navigating turns and uneven terrain .
• Injury Prevention : Strengthening muscles , tendons and ligaments through plyometrics can reduce the risk of common running injuries , such as shin splints and ligament strains , by improving joint stability and muscle resilience .
• Neuromuscular Coordination : Plyometric training improves the communication between the nervous system and muscles , leading to better recruitment patterns and more efficient running mechanics .
Key Exercises
To effectively incorporate plyometric training into your running regimen , consider the following exercises categorised by running level , designed to progressively enhance strength and explosiveness .
Beginner Level
Establishing a Foundation
1 Jump Squats Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart . Lower into a squat , then explode upward , jumping as high as you can . Land softly and immediately go into the next squat .
• Reps : 10-12
• Sets : 2-3
• Rest : 60 seconds between sets
• Focus : Lower body strength , explosive power , and coordination
2 Alternating Single Leg Hip Thrust Lie on your back with your upper back resting on a bench and one foot flat on the ground . Drive the knee of the opposite leg toward your chest while thrusting your hips upward with the working leg . Lower back down and switch legs .
• Reps : 10-12 per leg
• Sets : 2-3
• Rest : 60 seconds between sets
• Focus : Hip strength , glutes , and hamstrings
3 Double Foot Hop on Step Stand in front of a low step or platform . Jump onto the step with both feet , landing softly , then immediately hop back down to the ground , and repeat .
• Reps : 10-12
• Sets : 2-3
• Rest : 60 seconds between sets
• Focus : Leg power , coordination , and balance
Intermediate Level
Building Power and Agility
1 Alternating Jump Lunges Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart . Step forward with one leg , lowering into a lunge , then explosively jump up , switching legs in mid-air to land in a lunge with the opposite leg forward .
• Reps : 10-12 per leg
• Sets : 3
• Rest : 90 seconds between sets
• Focus : Leg power , coordination , and balance
2 Quick Switch Stand with one foot on a box or bench . Rapidly switch legs , landing with the opposite foot on the box while the other taps the ground . Continue alternating quickly .
• Reps : 15-20
• Sets : 3
• Rest : 90 seconds between sets
• Focus : Speed , coordination , and leg agility
3 Side-to-Side Hops onto Step Stand next to a low step or platform . Hop laterally onto the step , landing softly on both feet . Immediately hop back to the starting position and repeat on the other side .
• Reps : 10-12 per side
• Sets : 3
• Rest : 90 seconds between sets
• Focus : Lateral power , coordination , and balance
52 ISSUE 172 | www . modernathlete . co . za
Images : Pexels